
AMBON - The City Government (Pemkot) of Ambon, Maluku Province has temporarily closed limited face-to-face learning activities (PTM) in schools until March 2022 to prevent wider transmission of COVID-19 in the area.

"The temporary closure of PTM activities is limited as an anticipatory step to break the chain of the increasing spread of COVID-19 in Ambon City," said Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy in Ambon, as reported by Antara, Friday, February 4.

The provisions in the joint decree (SKB) of four ministers, he said, if there are teachers or students in schools who are indicated to be COVID-19 will be closed for 14 days.

The Ambon City Health Office, he said, had taken samples of COVID-19 examinations in 12 schools that carried out PTM as much as 25 percent from two thousand students.

The provisional results of the examination were 125 people who were reactive, to be followed by a PCR test which came back positive.

"That's only 25 percent of the samples we took, 75 percent of students were not tested for antigen, quite a lot of results were confirmed, so if PTM is still implemented it could have an impact on other students," he said.

He explained that taking into account the Ministry of Health's estimate of the peak of Omicron transmission in February and March 2022, it was agreed that schools in the area would be closed until March 2022.

"We will evaluate again later. If for example, conditions improve, then we will open again for face-to-face schools," he said.

By changing the status of Ambon City to the category of Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 2 and the yellow zone, his party will again take steps in accordance with the PPKM qualifications.

"By strictly enforcing the rules that have been set, the same as the previous level two," he said.

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