
JAKARTA - The Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Ogan Komering Ulu Police Unit, South Sumatra, found marijuana plants in a resident's garden in Talang Bancong Atas, Sindang Negeri Village, Sosoh Buay Termite District.

Head of Public Relations of the Ogan Komering Ulu Police (OKU), AKP Mardi Nursal in Baturaja, said the discovery of the drug plant was thanks to information from local residents. They received a report that there was a man who controlled and often sold marijuana-type narcotics in the village.

"The marijuana that is traded is the result of his own plants. The perpetrators planted marijuana trees around the garden where he lives in Talang Bancong," he said, Friday, February 4, as reported by Antara.

Receiving this information, the Narcotics Satres Team of the OKU Police and members of the Sosoh Buay Termite Police immediately headed to the location for the suspect's cottage, but the perpetrator was not found at the scene.

"It is suspected that the perpetrator had fled before the police arrived," he said.

However, at that location the police found marijuana plants as high as almost one meter planted by the perpetrators at seven points in his garden.

"We have secured 10 cannabis plants," he said.

In addition, the police also secured evidence in the form of a box of cigarettes containing eight rolled marijuana leaves, a brown backpack which was suspected to belong to the perpetrator.

"We will still develop this case to arrest the perpetrators whose identities we have pocketed," he said.

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