
JAKARTA - The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police will write to the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta regarding the violation of health protocols (prokes) by ODIN Bar. The letter contains a recommendation to impose sanctions on ODIN Bar.

"Yes, we are writing to the regional government", said the Director of Drug Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Mukti Juharsa, to VOI, Friday, February 4.

ODIN Bar has been noted to have violated the operational time limit four times. Three of these violations occurred in 2021 and once on February 3, 2022.

Meanwhile, for criminal sanctions, Mukti is still investigating. Several checks were carried out.

"We are still investigating the crime", said Mukti.

Meanwhile, the Directorate of Narcotics Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police also sealed three bars for operating beyond the operational hour limits by the policy for the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) on Thursday morning.

"Three cafes, namely Odin on Senopati Street, CODE in W Home Senopati, and Dronk on Kemang Raya Street. We sealed and installed police lines", said Mukti.

Mukti explained that officers visited Odin's bar at 00.20 WIB, CODE in W Home Senopati at 01.05 WIB, and Dronk at 01.50 WIB, and when they checked, it was found that there were still many visitors and violations of operating hours.

In addition to sealing the three bars, the police team also conducted random mass swab tests on employees and visitors at three locations.

As a result, it was found that one visitor at the CODE in W Home Bar Senopati was reactive to COVID-19.

"One person who was reactive for COVID-19 was then directed to isolation", said Mukti.

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