
BENGKULU - Bengkulu Deputy Mayor Dedy Wahyudi visited the baby's residence in Arga Indah II Village, Merigi Sakti District, Central Bengkulu Regency to apologize. Dedy's apology followed a refusal from one of the Muara Bangkahulu Health Centers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are from the ranks of the Bengkulu City Government, the Mayor, the Regional Secretary apologize for the inconvenience of the Puskesmas services in Bengkulu City. Our presence is specifically to convey our apologies and the attention of the Mayor," said Dedy in Bengkulu, Antara, Friday. , February 4th.

Through a video link, Bengkulu Mayor Helmi Hasan also apologized to the baby's family. "Sorry, ma'am for this incident, on behalf of the Bengkulu City Government, I apologize profusely. God willing, this incident will not be repeated," he said.

Attending the visit to the baby's family home, the Head of the Bengkulu City Communication, Information and Encryption Service (Diskominfotik) Eko Agusrianto with Kasatpol PP Yurizal, Secretary of Muara Bangkahulu Jalaludin, and other city government officials.

A one-year-old toddler, a resident of Central Bengkulu Regency, had a febrile seizure and was brought by his family to the Muara Bangkahulu Health Center for medical treatment, but was refused and did not receive any assistance and other efforts from the puskesmas.

The family previously asked the puskesmas for help to take them to the nearest hospital by ambulance. Unfortunately, the puskesmas advised the family to find an angkot to take him because the incident was outside official (work) hours.

For this incident, the Mayor of Bengkulu, Helmi Hasan, removed the Acting Head of the Health Service and the Head of the Muara Bangkahulu Health Center from their positions. Meanwhile, the puskesmas officers who handle and receive these patients are temporarily withdrawn to the Health Office to undergo coaching.

"As a consequence, the city government takes a policy, a decision, whether we like it or not, we have a kind of shock therapy so that in the future such incidents do not happen again," said Eko.

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