
JAKARTA - The PKS faction of the DPR RI highlighted the mapping of mosques based on radicalism by the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the National Police. Member of Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PKS faction, Iskan Qolba Lubis, considered the plan to be impossible.

Because according to him, this condition can lead to conflict between communities. Where discrimination occurs because only places of worship for Muslims are mapped. Moreover, without specifying the category and location of the mosque.

"Mapping this mosque is accepted with strict conditions, this can clearly cause conflict in our society. This is because it can give colors and categories to a number of mosques," said Iskan in his statement, Friday, February 4.

Iskan assessed that the Intelligence and Security Agency (Baintelkam) of the National Police should review its statement for mapping mosques. So that later it can cause social jealousy in the community.

"This could be a discriminatory attitude later on because it only targets places of worship for Muslims," said Iskan.

According to him, the mapping of the spread of radicalism should be done fairly by targeting places of worship of other religions. And must be focused on the separatist group.

“I also don't agree with the suspicions from the Police for unfounded reasons. Why does it seem as if it is only devoted to mosques, this is what we must understand that if there is a spread of radicalism in mosques, it will be easily revealed thanks to social media," he explained.

"It is better for the police to take immediate action against the perpetrators of the spread of radicalism and not only do the mapping, but also focus on the separatist groups who have greatly disrupted the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he continued.

Therefore, this PKS politician suggested that the mapping of this mosque be re-evaluated. Do not let, said Iskan, the impact will trigger conflict in society.

"I think this mosque mapping should be evaluated or reviewed first, with the police later reviewing the steps for mapping mosques in various areas," he said.

"One more thing that is important about the stigmatization of the police is that it is very likely to cause horizontal conflicts in society," he continued.

Moreover, Iskan added, the stigma does not come from state security institutions. Meanwhile, regarding the labeling carried out by the police, he said, it was not the right method to collect information in the midst of the current radicalism problem.

"Therefore, the technical (data collection) needs to be reviewed again, labeling or stigma does not solve the problem, it can actually create resistance," concluded Iskan.

Previously, the Director of State Security at the National Police's Security Intelligence Agency, Brigadier General Umar Effendi, planned to map mosques to prevent the spread of terrorism.

However, Umar did not specify which mosques were included in the Police mapping. He only said there are mosques that tend to be 'loud'.

"Yesterday we also agreed in the discussion on mapping the mosque, sir. Sorry," said Umar during the Wasathiyah National Halaqah Optimizing Islam in Preventing Extremism and Terrorism agenda held by MUI broadcast on the MUI YouTube channel, Wednesday, February 26.

"Mosques have various colors, some are green, some are hard, some are semi-hard and so on. This has caught our attention," said Umar.

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