
SEMARANG - Contractors working on the SMAN Tawangmangu building are ready to repair their work at the end of February. Their readiness was conveyed in a closed meeting with Governor Ganjar Pranowo, Thursday 3 February afternoon.

Ganjar appreciates the positive response from contractors after finding deficiencies in the results of building work. Ganjar said the contractor had carried out a thorough evaluation.

“I think it's good, the contractor has responded positively to my temporary findings. 'Yes, sir, we will fix the problem later' and they still have time until June, but they are committed that this February, what was not right yesterday will be fixed,” said Ganjar.

Ganjar said, SMAN Tawangmangu has a long history and is awaited by residents. The building was built with the spirit of breaking the egg of the establishment of a public school on the slopes of Mount Lawu, his homeland.

"This school is a decades-old history, I was born there, and their complaint was that they couldn't go to school in the country because of the zoning. So we made it with the spirit of breaking eggs, there is a well-designed public school, which is hoped that the school children will be closer and I I want it to be designed from the start so that the class is superior,” he said.

Ganjar also hopes that contractors have integrity with a spirit not to leave a bad impression on their work.

"I also remind you, when I laid the stone for the first time, I reminded you not to be corrupted, give the best quality and I remind you not to let your friends leave a bad legacy," he said.

As is known, Ganjar visited SMAN Tawangmangu on Sunday (30/1). There, Ganjar checked the condition of the building, which turned out to be built with sub-optimal construction. One of them was the wall at the front of the school, which immediately broke when he was kicked by Ganjar.

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