
MALANG - Netizens were shocked by the action of motorcyclists who stepped on the gas among a group of mourners in Batu City, East Java. The action of the driver, who is known to be a teenager, was caught on CCTV cameras and went viral on social media.

The incident occurred in Banaran Hamlet, Bumiaji Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City. The action of the motorcyclist stepping on the gas in the midst of mourners was caught on a CCTV camera at the location on January 28 in the afternoon

The video shows a group of mourners reading a prayer before sending the body to be buried in the village graveyard. But suddenly this motorcyclist came at high speed. Luckily, there were no victims in this incident.

The head of Bumiaji village, Edi Suyanto, confirmed that this incident occurred in his village. Until now, residents are still curious about who is behind this motorcyclist.

"Until now we are still looking for this driver. Because his actions have irritated the people. Especially when I'm grieving," said Edi to reporters, Monday, January 31.

At the time of the incident, there were actually 2 motorbikes passing by. However, the first rider stopped. Meanwhile, the driver who is now in the spotlight is even desperate to ride his motorbike high past the group of mourners.

"At that time, even though it was crowded. Luckily no one was hit. Many residents deplore where his manners are,'' he said.

He hopes that this incident will make the perpetrators introspect themselves so they don't repeat their actions.

"If he is found out later, we will not punish him. After all, he is still small, so he must be told (advised, ed)'' said Edi.

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