
SURABAYA - Police officers arrested a resident of Wonokromo Surabaya, Arqom Usama (18) and a resident of Sidoarjo, Mustofa (17) for deliberately riding a motorcycle on a toll road in Surabaya some time ago.

"They did it on Saturday, January 29, 2022 at around 19.00 WIB. Both entered the Tanjung Perak Toll Gate, then got off at the Jambangan Toll Gate," said Head of Highway Patrol (PJR) Ditlantas Polda East Java AKBP Dwi Sumrahadi quoted by Antara, Monday, 31 January.

Dwi said, from the confession of the two perpetrators the action was carried out for sensation and uploaded on social media, TikTok.

"The person concerned just suddenly crossed paths through the toll road. His friend had an e-toll so he was desperate to enter the toll road," he said.

Based on their confession, said AKBP Dwi, riding a motorbike on the toll road was done for sensation and was not planned.

"Then, according to him, it was an extraordinary sensation so it was uploaded to social media," said the middle-ranking police officer.

The existence of this, continued Dwi, can be a lesson for all and other vehicle users to be careful.

Because toll roads are not intended for two-wheeled vehicles, except for police vehicles that are on special assignments.

"For two-wheeled people it is not allowed," he emphasized.

Both have been summoned and came to the PJR Unit Ditlantas Polda Jatim and asked to clarify their actions.

"We gave them sanctions in the form of a ticket and also made a statement and an apology so that they don't repeat the same thing again," said Dwi.

"This can be an example for other communities, because it is not only a danger to yourself, but also to others. It is very fatal, two wheels enter the toll road. Especially at night, which is prone to be known and very dangerous," he said.

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