
JAKARTA - Head of the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana requested the support of Commission III of the DPR to accelerate the discussion of the Draft Law (RUU) for Asset Confiscation so that it immediately becomes a legal instrument for asset rescue.

"To optimize PPATK's work in 2022, we ask for assistance from the leadership and members of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives regarding the acceleration of the discussion of the Asset Confiscation Bill as a legal instrument needed for the Government in optimizing asset rescue," said Ivan at the DPR Commission III Working Meeting, quoted by Antara, Monday. , January 31.

He said PPATK as part of a government institution, tried to put forward efforts so that the Bill on Asset Confiscation could be discussed immediately.

According to him, the Asset Confiscation Bill is a solution so that all aspects of criminal acts can be returned to the state.

"In addition, we will also strengthen the role of the ML Committee to strengthen cooperation with all stakeholders of the Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Financing (APU PPT) regime," he said.

Ivan said the Asset Confiscation Bill is actually not only the domain of PPATK because it also involves law enforcement officers in its implementation.

He gave an example, when the bill was passed into law, the party authorized to seize assets was not PPATK, but the domain of other institutions.

"PPATK conveys to law enforcement officers who 'run' or are related (assets that must be confiscated). We convey the results of the analysis and examination so that this (Asset Confiscation Bill) is not only PPATK's domain," he said.

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