
MAKASSARR - Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin stated that he fully supports the efforts of the Regional Government (Pemda) to present a Public Service Mall (MPP) in order to improve service administration for the community.

"This public service is very important. We think the service is still quite low compared to other countries," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin during a working visit in Makassar, South Sulawesi, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 31.

According to him, after meeting with governors, regents, mayors, the government must provide good services to the community in terms of speed, convenience, and not too long a bureaucracy, so that all can be served optimally.

"So we want this public service to be really easy, fast, uncomplicated, no extortion (illegal levies)," the former chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council emphasized.

If this is carried out properly, it will certainly greatly affect the trust and satisfaction of the community, including investors who see the economic and security climate in the area as conducive.

"This affects investor confidence and the satisfaction of our society. This is also a part of our bureaucratic reform," said the Vice President.

Although currently in South Sulawesi, only three regions have Public Service Malls, in the scope of the Provincial Government, Barru Regency, and Makassar City, Ma'ruf hopes that all regions in South Sulawesi have Public Service Malls.

"Therefore (serving the community) one of them is the Public Service Mall. In all regencies and cities in South Sulawesi there are only three. It is hoped that by 2022 to 2023 all public service malls will be built," hoped the Vice President.

Previously, the Makassar City Government budgeted Rp. 200 billion for the construction of MPP around the location of the Taman Macan public area as part of accelerating services for the community.

Specifically for the budget for the construction of the new building, said the acting head of the Makassar Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda), Helmy Budiman, it has been budgeted through the 2022 APBD, and has received approval from the Makassar DPRD in the amount of Rp. 200 billion.

The plan is for the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) to be transferred to the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) and the Makassar One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPTSP).

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