
JAKARTA - The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Endra Zulpan said three suspects, YFC (38), S (34) and N (22) who were arrested in connection with illegal online loans (pinjol) had their respective roles when processing money loans made. its customers.

YFC actors play a role in providing loans to customers and bearing system-based loan collections.

"YFC is responsible for all system-based lending and loan collection actions," explained Endra Zulpa to reporters at the North Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, January 31.

Meanwhile, S acts as YFC's translator in order to obtain a business license. In addition, he also has the status of a commissioner at the loan company.

"The translator from the first suspect to do business licenses and domicile borrows and serves as commissioner," he said.

Subject N is a debt collector or debt collector. In his duties, he terrorizes customers by threatening and disseminating customer data.

"Scare customers if they are not cooperative by sending FC ID cards to the phone number obtained from the customer's cellphone contact. And threatening words," said Endra Zulpan.

For information, the police have named three suspects on suspicion of threats based on online loans (pinjol) in the Pantai Indah Kapuk area, North Jakarta. They were arrested on Friday, January 28.

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