
JAKARTA - Edy Mulyadi made a statement of apology before undergoing an examination at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. Edy Mulyadi was investigated today in the case of alleged hate speech because he said that Kalimantan is a place for genies to throw children.

Edy Mulyadi, who met the summons of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, also spoke at length about Kalimantan. Edy Mulyadi firmly refused to move the State Capital because it was considered that a lot of money would be wasted.

"Still rejecting IKN because IKN has a lot of studies, the important thing is that this amount of money is not timely, it should be for the welfare of the people, for national economic development, to pump up the domestic economy," said Edy Mulyadi to reporters, Monday, January 31.

According to Edy Mulyadi, IKN will worsen the already damaged ecology in Kalimantan. It is pointed out that there are many locations of ex-mining excavations without land rehabilitation.

"I'm very sorry that Kalimantan has been exploited for decades, how many billions of tons of coal have been transported, how many hectares have the forests been cut down, transported, how many thousand or million hectares of customary lands have been confiscated?" he said.

"I'm sorry again, my brothers and sisters, the people of Borneo, should be far more prosperous than us on the island of Java, because they should have got a share but we know with all due respect and sorry, my friends, all of our friends in Kalimantan are still far away. from the life that should be with the extraordinary potential of natural resources that were dredged," he explained.

Edy Mulyadi then apologized to the sultans in Kalimantan. Edy Mulyadi emphasized that the people of Kalimantan are not the enemy.

"I once again apologize to the sultans. Sultan Kutai, Sultan Paser, Sultan Banjar, Sultan Pontianak, Sultan Malay or so on. Including the tribes. Paser Tribe, Kutai Tribe of all kinds. Including the Dayak tribe, I apologize for all of them, but they are not all my enemies. My enemy and our enemy is injustice and whoever is behind it, what the oligarchs are doing today is through the hands of our public officials,” said Edy Mulyadi.

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