
JAKARTA - Edy Mulyadi's attorney, Herman Kadir, has confirmed that his client will comply with the Criminal Investigation Police's summons regarding the alleged hate speech case 'Kalimantan is a place for genies to dump children'.

"God willing, Mr. Edy is also ready to bring his clothes and toiletries," Herman said as quoted by Antara, Monday, January 31.

Investigators from the Cyber Crime Directorate of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police have scheduled an examination of Edy Mulyadi at 10:00 this morning. Investigators have also issued a warrant to bring the reported Edy Mulyadi absent from the investigator's summons.

Herman ensured that his client would attend this morning as scheduled. "God willing, come at 10:00 in the morning," said Herman.

According to him, his client is very ready to face whatever happens after the examination is carried out. And know the consequences that will be faced.

"Bang Edy is very ready to face such incidents," said Herman. The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police received three police reports against Edy Mulyadi regarding his statement about the State Capital (IKN) "a place where genies dump children". The report came from community elements in the East Kalimantan Police, West Kalimantan Police and North Sumatra Police. In addition, it received 16 complaints and 18 statements of attitude.

The three reports were withdrawn to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, until January 26, investigators raised the status of the case from investigation to investigation.

Investigators then issued a summons for an examination as a witness against Edy Mulyadi which was scheduled for Friday (28/1), however, Edy, represented by his legal reason, sent a letter to reschedule the examination. The reason is that the summons to his client is not in accordance with the Criminal Code. Regarding the day he was summoned as a witness reported.

The report against Edy Mulyadi is related to his statement which stated that East Kalimantan, which became the State Capital (IKN) was a place for genies to throw children away.

One of Edy Mulyadi's quotes that allegedly insulted East Kalimantan at his press conference reads "This is an elite place, owns a very expensive price, has its own building, then sold it, moved to a place where the genie disposed of children (new IKN)".

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