
SALATIGA – The presence of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia Airlangga Hartarto at the Salatiga Market, Central Java became the attention of market visitors, especially women traders. Airlangga was here to see the condition of the supply of goods and price stability.

While visiting the market, the traders without awkwardness approached the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP. Some of them even pushed forward to ask for a photo with Airlangga.

"Thank you, Mr. Airlangga, Alhamdulillah, the price of cooking oil here has started to drop," said Mrs. Suparti (54) while asking for a photo with Airlangga.

It is different with Ibu Lestari (60), while carrying her shopping bag, she did not expect the market she visited every day to be visited by a minister whom they had only seen on television.

"I was surprised to meet the Minister at the market, that's why I was desperate to come forward asking for a photo together because I could only see Pak Airlangga on television," he said with a smile.

In that market, Airlangga Hartarto walked around and had direct dialogue with a number of market visitors who were on the move.

After touring the market, Airlangga told the media crew that market operations were carried out to ensure food price stability.

Airlangga said, this is one of the government's efforts to maintain stock availability and the affordability of food prices for the entire community.

In addition, this activity also aims to maintain affordable food price stability due to the recent increase in the prices of several food commodities.

"We are reviewing the market this time, one of which is to ensure the price of cooking oil, as well as the price of rice and sugar which is quite cheap," said AH, Airlangga Hartarto's short call.

Before leaving Salatiga Market, Airlangga had time to distribute dozens of yellow umbrellas to market visitors.

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