
TEGAL - The Tegal City Police, together with the Tegal Naval Base, Central Java, and the Fire Department are still carrying out the process of evacuating 13 burning ships at the Tegal City Harbor, Saturday, January 29. and rescued the ship that was at the location of the fire," said Head of the Tegal City Police, AKBP Rahmad Hidayat, quoted by Antara. "Currently, we are continuing to do localization so that ships that have been burned do not penetrate other ships. There are hundreds of ships that are docked so that the evacuation of ships is experiencing a bit of difficulty," he said.

The boats piled up because the fishermen were applying for permission to go to sea, so the boats were anchored at the local port location and made it difficult for the ship to be extinguished. Therefore, he said, the police had coordinated with the ship owners to quickly get rid of the ships that were still docked at the scene. The case of the fire that occurred at around 04.30 WIB was due to a temporary suspicion of an electrical short circuit in a ship and burning other ships in the vicinity. Tegal Regency, and the City of Tegal, and Pemalang. "Officers had difficulty putting out firefighting efforts because the location was narrow and fuel was still stored on each ship, so we continued the extinguishing process. There were no casualties in the fire incident," he said. Rahmad Hidayat added the case of the fire. fishing boats in Kot . Harbor a Tegal has happened for the second time, namely in November 2021 and this Saturday.

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