
JAYAPURA - Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri admitted that he had called the Regent of Puncak Regency Willem Wandik to actively communicate with groups opposed to the government (KKB) in order to create a conducive security and security situation.

"Communication is done so that the KKB group does not do stupid actions that have an impact on the people they rely on or take refuge in.

It is not the KKB who are victims, but the people who are also their brothers and sisters who have been a place of refuge," said Inspector General Pol Fakhiri in Jayapura, Friday, January 28.

Kapolda Inspector General Pol Fakhiri expressed his condolences for the death of three soldiers from Infantry Battalion 408/SBH in a shootout in Gome, Puncak Regency, Thursday, January 27 and condemned the attack carried out by the KKB.

The Kapolda emphasized that the TNI/Polri were never afraid and loved the people in Papua so much that they would adopt intelligent, firm and measured law enforcement and build communication in order to reduce other impacts that would harm all parties.

"The perpetrators are still the same people who have been causing trouble in Puncak Regency," said Fakhiri while asking the group to feel sorry for their brothers and sisters who want to develop their area.

The Papuan Regional Police, according to the Regional Police Chief, will continue to encourage the regional government, religious leaders and community leaders in overcoming problems and building cooperation so that the target of improved police activities can be implemented to improve the welfare of the citizens.

"Realizing welfare that can be felt by the community is the target of police activities," said the Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Pol Fakhiri.

The KKB action, Thursday, January 27, attacked and opened fire on the TNI post in Bukit Tepuk, Jenggernok Village, Gome District, Puncak Regency, killing three soldiers and wounding another.

The three soldiers who died who were victims of KKB's gunfire were Sergeant Rizal, Prada Baraza and Pratu Rahman, while Private Syaiful who suffered gunshot wounds was still being treated at the Ilaga Health Center.

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