
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya continues to supervise to control community mobility at night at a number of points that have the potential to invite crowds on weekends to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. The Transportation Service and Satpol PP. The control of mobility or crowd free night (CFN) was carried out at a number of points that had been the focus so far, including the Monas Horse Statue Roundabout. Then in the area around the Klender Bridge, Jalan Bekasi Timur Raya, East Jakarta. In addition, targeting entertainment venues, including in Koja, North Jakarta. This effort is considering the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta is still high.

Based on data from the Health Office of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as of Friday (28/1), the number of active cases in Jakarta rose by 3,089 cases, bringing the number of active cases to 19,419 (people who are still being treated/isolated). Active cases or 91.2 percent were local transmissions, while the rest were foreign travellers. Meanwhile, new positive cases based on the results of a PCR-based swab test on Friday (28/1) increased by 4,558 people bringing a total of 895,706 cases. , as many as 4,134 of them or 90.7 percent are also local transmissions. The DKI Health Office also appeals to the public to be aware of the transmission of the Omicron variant which is now also increasing in Jakarta. Of the 2,525 infected people, 1,373 people are foreign travelers, while The other 1,152 are local transmissions.

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