
SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa reminded regents/mayors to control the threat of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in their respective regions. he said in Surabaya, Friday, January 28. As quoted by Antara, the number one person in the East Java Provincial Government also asked the regent/mayor to continue to monitor the development of the two dangerous diseases, as well as to prepare health care facilities, personnel and logistics in an effort to control them. She is the first female governor in East Java to issue a Circular on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Precautions dated October 28, 2022.

In addition, the East Java Provincial Government through the Health Office has also taken various anticipatory steps, including sending a letter to the District/City Health Office regarding the Management of DHF to be submitted to regional health service facilities related to vigilance. carried out by the Puskesmas/Regency/City Health Offices, as well as fogging or fumigation. asked people who are starting to feel a fever not only to suspect or be aware of COVID-19, but also to consider possible symptoms of dengue infection. Because, he continued, one of the characteristics of having dengue fever is having a high fever for two to seven days. According to him, several factors influencing the spread of dengue namely population density, population mobility, community behavior, global climate change, economic growth to the availability of clean water. Hospitalization also makes it easier to monitor health workers so they don't cause serious symptoms," he said.

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