
JAKARTA – The demonstration by mass organizations (ormas) of the Indonesian Lower Society Movement (GMBI) ended in chaos. The West Java Police finally arrested hundreds of people involved in the vandalism at the West Java Police Headquarters yard, Thursday, January 27.

Responding to the violent mass action, the West Java Regional Police took firm and measured action against the protesters. Mass demonstrations are considered to have carried out anarchic actions, damaged public facilities and state facilities.

It should be noted that during a demonstration at the West Java Regional Police Headquarters on Jalan Soekarno – Hatta, Bandung City, GMBI questioned the legal process for the beating of one of its members who died at the Karawang Interchange, last November 2021.

The GMBI masses were dissatisfied with the handling of the case. However, according to the statement from the West Java Police, based on the release received, the case of the beating that caused the death of a GMBI member has been sent to the public prosecutor and is in phase two.

"It was emphasized that the West Java Regional Police seriously handled the case report and other cases carefully and professionally. Actions taken by the National Police to maintain the authority of the Indonesian National Police as a State institution.” written in a release issued by the West Java Regional Police Bidhumas, received Friday, January 28.

The West Java Regional Police also claimed that there were a number of damages to the Police Headquarters yard due to the GMBI demonstration, namely the exit gate collapsed, one column of the steel fence was broken, 68 gold-colored fences were broken, three circular fences were broken, five garden lights were damaged, one sign plank for parking was damaged. , one fence trellis pole was damaged, the gate support was broken, the front garden of the West Java Police was damaged because many plants were uprooted, large stones were thrown into the West Java Police Headquarters, and glass bottles with shards. 24 recidivist. Then also secured evidence of 85 units of cars, as many as 193 units of motorcycles. Some of these vehicles have been checked against vehicle data, and as many as 76 units do not match.

Furthermore, the West Java Regional Police also conducted a search of the mass of action, it was found that 6 people were carrying machetes. From the results of the officer's examination, it was found that 16 mass actions were positive for drugs.

"In order to anticipate the situation of Kamtibmas, all levels of units have been instructed in the region to conduct raids and monitor the activities of GMBI mass organizations in their respective areas so as not to cause security and security problems in the community." he continued.

The West Java Regional Police have also searched for intellectual actors who provoked anarchic actions by the protesters.

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