
JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) Tjahjo Kumolo reminded local governments to be careful in the recruitment and selection process of ASN as regional officials, especially ensuring that they are free from radicalism.

"Don't let them get caught," said Tjahjo at the launch of the ASN No Radical Application and the Strategy Webinar on Counteracting Radicalism in State Civil Servants which was held virtually, Wednesday, September 2.

Reported by Antara , Thursday, September 3 According to Tjahjo, the PAN-RB Ministry conducts hearings almost every month for disciplinary violations of the state civil apparatus (ASN), including complaints by ASNs with radicalism.

In handling the complaint, Tjahjo ensured that the PAN-RB Ministry and the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) did not act carelessly, but traced them to obtain strong evidence.

"We and Pak Haria (Head of BKN) are also not random. Oh, this he said, from a friend. However, there must be strong evidence," he said.

To ensure this, he said, the PAN-RB Ministry conducted a cross check with the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), the Ministry of Religion, and several other ministries.

Tjahjo admitted, the PAN-RB and BKN Ministries sometimes met leaders who had a clean and clear career track record, but after being investigated more deeply, they actually had radical views.

He said the PAN-RB Ministry had established a memorandum of understanding with 11 ministries and agencies related to countering radicalism, but it was not yet effective.

"Now we want to try it with the application (ASN No Radical). So, the regional heads, the regional secretary, the BKD, and so on are monitoring so that the echelon II process must be careful," he said.

Tjahjo wanted the recruitment and selection process for the ASN leadership to be carried out in the TNI-Polri.

"The affairs of Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, Unity in Diversity affairs must be 'clear'. If ASN wants to change Pancasila, build a movement, through social media is something dangerous," he said.

Therefore, Tjahjo hopes that this application can help ministries, institutions, and local governments in the recruitment and selection process for leadership, especially related to radicalism.

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