JAKARTA - The mystery of the sadistic murder of Rieke Andianti (43) in a flat in the Cakung area, East Jakarta has been successfully revealed. The police arrested the man with the initials JA (27) as a suspect in the sadistic murder case.
From the results of the investigation, it was revealed that the motive for the sadistic murder was based on resentment because he did not accept the victim's ridicule. JA, who was emotional after hearing the insults and insults, then killed the victim in room number 17 on the 5th floor of the Griya Tipar Cakung Rusun, East Jakarta.
"Every time we meet, the victim always taunts the item and it has been badly done since 2017," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Argo Yuwono, Monday, November 11.
The heinous act began when the suspect was joking with nine colleagues not far from the location of the victim's room. The unemployed man looked at Rieke's room which had the window open.

The evil intention to end the life of the woman who also works as an online motorcycle taxi driver has emerged. At that moment, JA immediately said goodbye to his colleagues. The suspect, who was also a resident of the flat just below the victim's room, went to his room. He had planned to kill Rieke at that time.
"He (the suspect) came home to take a knife at his house in the hope of revenge," said Argo.
By sneaking into Rieke's room which was unlocked through the window, the perpetrator stabbed 6 times at the sleeping victim. The victim died covered in blood before being found by witnesses.
In order to erase the traces, the suspect took the victim's child's shirt and pants. Which is then imposed so that the other residents of the flat do not know what he is doing.
"Then he (the suspect) took the victim's child's pants in the house and put it on. The perpetrator took the victim's bag, then put the suspect's pants and clothes that were stained with blood," said Argo.
The action of the perpetrator in and out of the suspect's room was recorded by CCTV cameras around the location. So, the suspect was easily arrested.
JA has now been named a JA suspect and charged under Article 338 juncto 340 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder and is subject to life imprisonment or a maximum of 20 years.
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