
JAKARTA - West Java is the region at least free in religion and belief. At least that can be concluded from the results of the SETARA Institute survey on freedom of belief. Their survey was carried out in a qualitative and quantitative way and combined a desk study and a field study.

As a result, SETARA obtained data on 2,400 incidents of violations of freedom of belief with the number of actions reaching 3,177 actions during the last 12 years.

"West Java is still the overall champion and has never played or been replaced by any other province," said the Research Director of SETARA Institute, Halili in a discussion at Jalan Wahid Hasyim, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 11, 2019.

In detail, West Java recorded 629 violations in the past 12 years. Furthermore, Jakarta with the number of violations of freedom of belief reached 291 incidents.

Furthermore, East Java with 270 events, Central Java 158 events, Aceh 121 events, South Sulawesi 112 events, North Sumatra 106 events. Then, West Sumatra with 104 events, Banten 90 events, and West Nusa Tenggara with 76 events.

Meanwhile, for the last five years or during President Joko Widodo in office, there were 10 provinces with a number of violations of freedom of belief. West Java is still in the first place with 162 violations. Then, Jakarta with 113 violations of freedom of belief.

It was followed by East Java with 98 events, Central Java 66 events, Aceh 65 events, Yogyakarta 37 events, Banten 36 events, North Sulawesi 28 events, South Sulawesi 27 events, and West Sumatra 23 events.

In terms of the perpetrators, SETARA noted, there are two types of actors who are responsible; state actors and both non-state actors. The police have committed the most violations in the past 12 years with 480 actions that violate freedom of belief.

"The state actor who committed the most violations in the last 12 years was the police, followed by local governments with a total of 383 actions," he said.

The next sequence, the Ministry of Religion with 89 acts of violating freedom of belief, the court with 71 actions, 71 actions of Satpol PP, 68 actions of the Prosecutor's Office, 63 actions of the TNI, 38 acts of DPRD, 35 educational institutions, and the Village Government achieving 33 actions.

Meanwhile, non-state actors who violate freedom of religion and belief are a group of citizens who have committed 600 actions for 12 years. Then, religious organizations with a total of 249 violations, the Indonesian Ulama Council with 242 actions, the Islamic Defenders Front with 181 actions, 92 individuals, 56 Islamic Community Forum actions, 35 religious / community leaders, 33 other community organizations, the Islamic Reform Movement. (LINE) 26 actions and 26 actions company.

Judging from the victims of violations of freedom of belief during the last 12 years, the first rank is occupied by Ahmadiyah followers with a total of 554 incidents of violation of freedom of belief. Furthermore, the second position is occupied by religious sects with 334 incidents, Christians with a total of 328 incidents of violation of freedom of belief.

Not only that, SETARA also noted that there were 314 individuals who were victims of violations of freedom of belief. Then, Shia was followed by 153 violations, residents with 139 events, Muslims with 79 incidents, Catholics with 51 events, Gafatar with 49 events, and students / students with 42 events.

Finally, they also noted that over the past 12 years, 199 churches have suffered harassment from irresponsible people and 133 mosques that have suffered the same fate.

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