Paul Stanley Asks People Don't Believe In Conspiracy Theories

JAKARTA - Legendary rock band KISS frontman Paul Stanley has criticized people who refuse to wear masks in public spaces. He also asked the public not to believe in conspiracy theories

The vocalist urged lawmakers to push harder on their constituents. He suggested wearing a mask to limit the spread of the corona virus.

As is well known, President Donald Trump is reluctant to wear a mask, despite advice from public health experts. In fact, using a mask is an effort to protect other people from possible COVID-19 infection.

On Monday, via social media Twitter, Stanley shared a photo of himself and his eight-year-old daughter, Emily, wearing a mask. He complements it with the following message:

"The sun is setting on the beach with Emily. USE YOUR MASK! Don't listen to conspiracy theorists or graduate from The Internet University Of Medicine. As credible authorities and experts continue to learn more about Covid 19, they remain unanimous about safety protocols. End of story."

Three weeks ago, US Surgeon General Jerome Adams urged people to wear facemasks. He said that wearing a face covering the government would promote freedom during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Some people feel face coverings violate their freedom of choice - but if many wear them, we will have more freedom to go outside. Facemasks (cause) less spread of the virus asymptomatically (leading to) the open, and faster!" Adams wrote on Twitter.

In a study published last month, researchers from Texas A&M University, California Institute of Technology and the University of California San Diego concluded that wearing face masks in public was associated with the most effective way to prevent human-to-human transmission.

In early April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidelines that Americans should wear facial coverings in public.