Knowing Who Ma'ruf Amin

JAKARTA - KH. Ma'ruf Amin is an old cleric from the NU circle who has served as Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2019–2024 period. The Kiai with the title Honoris Causa was elected as the most influential person accompanied by the second largest power in Indonesia after the president. His name has been recorded as a pioneer of the National Awakening Party, as Chairman of Team Five after the 1998 reform era. Ma'ruf Amin's figure has also served as Chairman of the MUI and Rais Aam PBNU, to the Sharia Supervisory Board related to developments in the arrangement of the Sharia Economy mechanism in Indonesia.

Starting in the world of politics since 1971 and active in the organization since 1964. On October 20, 2019, Ma'ruf Amin was officially appointed as Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2019-2024 period.

Know who Ma'ruf Amin is

Ma'ruf Amin is the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia elected for the 2019–2024 period who accompanied President Joko Widodo. He was an elderly kiai from NU circles and great-grandson of Syekh Nawawi Banten, a great scholar who was highly respected for his knowledge.

He spent his school years at the Kresek People's School, Tangerang, then chose the Tebuireng pesantren during Madrasah Tsanawiyah - Aliyah. He graduated from the Faculty of Ushuluddin, University of Ibnu Chaldun Jakarta in 1967. In 2012, he was crowned with an Honoris Causa degree in the postgraduate field of Islamic Economics at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Bandung, West Java.

He has served as Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) period and Rais Aam of the PBNU Nahdlatul Ulama Board. His involvement in the legislature has been recorded since 1971 through the Islamic Group Party, while in the world of Islamic organizations his name has been involved since 1964.

After the alternation of the New Order regime towards Reformasi, the role of Ma'ruf Amin in the establishment of the National Awakening Party was very crucial. He led Team Five, as Team Leader Five; a group formed to solve organizational barriers in the PBNU. Together with important PBNU figures in it, KH. M Dawam Anwar, Dr. KH. Said Agil Siroj, MA, HM. Rozy Munir and Ahmad Bagdja. Evidently, how effective was the PBNU solidarity afterwards, represented by the Gus Dur icon, which managed to get 12.61 percent of the votes at the inaugural party of the new democratic era. The equivalent votes amounted to 13,336,982 and 51 representative seats in the DPR.

He was also involved in the MPR parliament representing the National Awakening Party, then succeeded in serving as Chairman of Commission VI of the DPR, still from the same party. After being not very active in practical politics, even though PKB DNA was sticky with him, from 2013 to 2020 Ma'ruf Amin was involved as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres).

While serving as Chairman of the MUI, his role was the subject of controversy both internally and externally. His broad view is accompanied by various aspects that he views from a state perspective, which cannot be called conservative or absurdly moderate.

On August 10, 2018, it was officially the incumbent Joko Widodo to propose to KH. Ma'ruf Amin as a Candidate for Vice President with the concept of Nationalist - Religious as campaign sales capital. Muhaimin Iskandar also welcomed NU's internal circles, clearly stated that as many as 25 million votes from the Nadhliyin people would move totally for the victory of Pak Kiai and Jokowi.

"I was chosen, as a tribute to the Ulama,"

KH. Ma'ruf Amen

From Tebuireng to Medan Merdeka

The completion of the 2019 presidential election inevitably has to end, the victory finally sided with Pak Kiai and Jokowi after the official announcement of the KPU on Sunday (14/7/2019).

The pair Jokowi and Ma'ruf won the election by pocketing the national vote of 55.50 percent, totaling 154,257,601. Through the support of the PDI-P party, Golkar Party, PPP, PKB, Hanura, Nasdem, PKPI, PSI, the Perindo Party.

On the same day after the KPU's official announcement, the kiai made an official speech for the first time. Request straightforwardly for the return of unity among those supporters of the Prabowo or Jokowi pairs.

Under the escort of 30,000 joint TNI-Polri personnel, Ma'ruf Amin took an oath of office at the DPR / MPR building. The first time he appeared without a sarong, wearing a red suit and tie, he was officially appointed as RI-2 for the next five years.

Considering that his position is closely related to the image of the PBNU and MUI, in order to avoid internal conflicts, before being elected he resigned as Chairman of Rais AAM PBNU on September 22, 2018. Meanwhile, the position of Chair of the MUI continued based on internal wishes during the plenary meeting.

Looking back at the time of the presidential election campaign, identity politics was evident between Jokowi and Prabowo. The Ijtima of the National Fatwa Guard Movement (GNPF), which issued a fatwa for Prabowo to be accompanied by a figure from the ulama circles, heated up the atmosphere among the ulama circles.

Behind the Jokowi-Ma'aruf camp is an MUI fatwa which is also supported by major scholars. Meanwhile on the opposing side, the support of popular ulama such as Ustadz Abdul Somad and Ustadz Adi Hidayat has further exacerbated polarization. How did the internal conflict occur, one of which was a request to resign as Cawapres which was urged by the MUI of Sorong City, in order to avoid the sin of their claim. Not to mention the opposition's claim that Ma'ruf Amin violated the Election Law regarding his position, which is still officially registered as the Sharia Supervisory Board, which is considered an employee of a BUMN.

KH. Ma'ruf Amin surprised many parties, no one expected that when the public tended to see the figure of Mahfud MD, who was very potential, did not materialize. Even though he is in his elderly status, during the campaign period he was still able to attend 5 cities at the same time to give speeches and gain public support.

Examining the Vice President

Since serving as Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, his figure is known as a person who rarely appears in the media. His appearance is quite intense in the midst of the Corona pandemic pandemic. In order to calm the public and convey suggestions regarding the worship process.

November 2019.

Appealing to teachers of the Koran across the country to teach the narratives of Islamic harmony and moderate Islam to their congregations. This was conveyed in response to the suicide bomb explosion at the Medan Police Headquarters, 13 November 2019.

December 2019.

Reminded that Islamic university campuses could act as a damper against the negative conditions of the spread of radicalism, during a Scientific Oration at the UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin graduation ceremony, Cilegon (14/12/2019).

February 2020.

Ma'ruf Amin's performance as Vice President is considered lower than his ministers, through a public survey of 1,200 respondents in the period 9-15 January 2020 conducted by Indo Barometer.

The satisfaction level of Maruf Amin's performance is only 49.6 percent, while those who are not satisfied are 37.5 percent. The figure is far below JK's performance in 2015 with satisfaction reaching 57 percent.

Chimed by a spokesperson for the Vice President, the survey was due to his majority of choosing to remain silent and following the President, so what the Vice President was doing was not exposed.

March 2020.

On March 7, he was named the Father of Indonesian Sharia Economics by the Sultan Syarif Riau Islamic State University.

Ma'ruf Amin also signed three inscriptions, namely the inscription of the declaration of Riau province as a sharia economic zone, the Riau UIN inscription as a training center for sharia economic development and the inscription of the inauguration of the Raudhatus Salihin mosque.

23 March. Ma'ruf Amin asked MUI and Islamic organizations to issue fatwas related to the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Indonesia. In order to prevent the virus from spreading, the Vice President hopes for a fatwa regarding the washing of bodies and ablution - tayamum, in order to anticipate difficult situations.

Ma'ruf Amin's Interesting Facts

Professor of Sharia Economics. As a form of respect for his contribution to building a Sharia-based economy in Indonesia, KH. Ma'ruf Amin was appointed by the Bandung State Islamic University as Professor of Sharia Economics.

Without 'Sarungan' for the first time. On the day of the inauguration at the DPR / MPR Senayan building, Pak Kiai was seen in public for the first time not wearing a sarong as his custom.

Don't bring Heaven and Hell. He answered straightforwardly not to bring up the question of heaven and hell in the 2019 presidential election. Criticizing back that what Farhat Abbas said by choosing Jokowi was the same as choosing to go to heaven. On the one hand, Farhat is behind the 2019 Jokowi-Ma'ruf National Campaign Team (TKN).

Rejecting the Khilafah system. Stating that Indonesia was born of a collective agreement, rejecting the concept of the Khilafah system which became the fruit of

Different from more than 30 years. His marriage to his second wife is 30 years apart. Wury Estu Handayani, a widow with two children, was the second wife of Ma'ruf Amin, whom he married after his first wife died of illness.


Profile of Ma'ruf Amin

Full Name K.H. Prof. Dr. Ma'aruf Amen

Place and Date of Birth: Tangerang, Banten, March 11, 1943

Title / TitelHonoris Causa


Couple Wury Estu Handayani



Ushuluddin Faculty, Ibnu Chaldun University, Bogor (1967) Madrasah Aliyah, Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang (1961) Tsanawiyah Madrasah Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang (1958) Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kresek, Tengerang (1955) SR Kresek, Tangerang (1955)



Member of Presidential Advisory Council for Interfaith Relations, Presidential Advisory Council of the Republic of Indonesia (2010-2014)

Member of Presidential Advisory Council in the Field of Religious Life Advisory Council for the President of the Republic of Indonesia (2007-2009)

Members of the DKI Jakarta Da'wah Coordinator (KODI) DKI Jakarta Da'wah Coordinator (KODI)

BAZIS DKI Jakarta Members BAZIS DKI Jakarta

Chairman of the Islamic Group Faction DPRD DKI Jakarta DPRD DKI Jakarta

Chairman of the PPP Faction DPRD DKI Jakarta PPP DPRD DKI Jakarta

Chairman of Commission A DPRD DKI Jakarta DPRD DKI Jakarta

Chairman of the Syuro Council of the National Awakening Party (PKB)

MPR RI members from the National Awakening Party (PKB) National Awakening Party (PKB)

Chairman of Commission VI DPR RI from the National Awakening Party (PKB) National Awakening Party (PKB)

Chairman of the Central MUI Fatwa Commission of the Central MUI

Rois Syuriah Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU)

Advisor for the Bahtsul Masail Institute for the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (LBM-PBNU) the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (LBM-PBNU)

Lecturer at STAI Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi Jakarta STAI Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi Jakarta

Ra'Is' Aam PBNU 2015-2020 PBNU (2015-2020)