Menkomdigi Reveals Potential Utilization Of AI In Various Government Sectors
JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, Meutya Hafid, has set five priorities in the strategy of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in various government sectors. Some of these sectors include health services, bureaucratic reform, talent education, smart city development, and food security.
In the field of health services, he explained, the Ministry of Health uses AI to support efforts to expand access to services and increase diagnosis accuracy.
"This technology allows early detection of diseases and efficiency in hospital management," he said as quoted in a press release by the ministry in Jakarta, citing ANTARA, Sunday, December 22.
He said that predictive, preventive, participatory, and personal models or 4P were applied to improve public access to health services and the quality of health services.
In addition, he said, AI is part of the motor change in the implementation of bureaucratic reform. In this case, several government agencies have processed AI-based data to reduce operational time and costs.
Meutya said that the government in 2025 will launch an electronic-based government system (SPBE) as a cross-ministerial integrated service.
"At the Ministry of Communication and Industry, in particular, in carrying out surveillance of negative content, it has also used artificial intelligence," he added.
Meutya explained that AI is used in the implementation of talent education, which is designed according to individual needs. The application of the self-learning method and the provision of training materials on online platforms provide access flexibility for education participants.
The Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs said that the integration and management of AI-based data traffic was implemented in the development of smart city mobility.
"We have also collaborated with ITB for this smart city, because we know ITB is conducting rankings and also analyzing cities that have run digital-based services," he said.
He said that AI is also used in efforts to realize food security through optimizing agricultural productivity for food crops and managing agricultural land.
AI-based technology, in this case, is used in making weather and climate forecasts as well as projections for food supply chains and logistics.
"We understand that AI will be felt in all lines, but if possible we choose to focus first, what needs to be prepared, including those related to national nutritional resilience," said Meutya.