NU Pre-MLB Participants Ask Gus Ipul To Resign From The Position Of Secretary General

JAKARTA - Participants of the Extraordinary Nahdlatul Ulama Pre-Muntamar asked the Secretary General of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Saifullah Yusuf or Gus Ipul to resign from his position to focus on becoming Minister of Social Affairs.

"The request for Gus Ipul to resign from the position of Secretary General of PBNU is one of the moral pesantren submitted in the NU Pre-MLB forum. Gus Ipul is asked to focus on becoming Minister of Social Affairs as a commitment to professionalism, cabinet work loyalty, and maintaining organizational integrity," said KH Syarbani Haira, a pre-MLBNU participant, in a statement reported by ANTARA, Saturday, December 21.

The request for resignation is one of the nine moral messages resulting from the NU Pre-MLB meeting in East Java.

In the forum, a PBNU performance assessment was held which was considered to have been outside the line that had been determined and feared to cause NU to lose his soul and identity or personality.

"The three-year performance of PBNU under the mandater leadership of the 34th NU Congress in Lampung, namely KH Miftahul Akhyar (Rais Aam) and KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (General Chair) is not in good condition and unhealthy. Instead, he left a conflict jam iyyah(organization) in the area and expanded," said Syarbani.

Therefore, nine moral messages were conveyed at the meeting to protect the muruah of the organization, one of which was asking Gus Ipul to resign from his position as Secretary General of PBNU.

Meanwhile, KH Tengku Rusli, a representative of the Pre-MLBNU participant from Riau, revealed eight other moral messages.

The first is that the NU delegates throughout Indonesia have met the East Java paramasyaikh. The conclusion obtained is that the Indonesian MLB movement is through the paramasyayikhmer with several conditions, one of which is MLB NU sincerely intended to maintain unity, cohesiveness, ukhuwah nahdliyyah, and improve the organization.

Second, the Pre-MLB forum invites NU residents to advise each other leaders in order to improve and restore the main values of NU in the soul.

Next, the Pre-MLB forum has inventoried the names of the AHWA candidate members (Ahlul Halli Wal Aqdi) and the general chairman who will be proposed in the MLB forum.

Then, the MLB NU implementation time is proposed as early as January 2025 because it coincides with NU's Birthday based on the hijri calendar and masehi, and no later than 1446 H of Syawal.

"There are six regions proposed to be the venue for the NU MLB, namely Surabaya, Bangkalan, Jombang, Semarang, Cirebon, and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Specifically for Cirebon and Semarang, there are Islamic boarding schools that say they are ready to be occupied and are pleased to provide accommodation and participant consumption voluntarily," said Tengku.

Furthermore, the Pre-MLB forum has prepared a strategy formulation and method in consolidating MLB proposals from regional and branch management of NU throughout Indonesia and the Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch Management (PCINU) with safe, comfortable, and secret principles and fulfilling the provisions as stipulated in the NU Household Budget (ART) Article 74 paragraph (2).

Then, the Pre MLB forum agreed to socialize the results of Pre-MLB to regional and branch administrators of NU throughout Indonesia and PCINU and to take consolidation steps in their respective regions so that the implementation of the NU MLB can be proposed.

Finally, Tengku said the Pre-MLB forum asked for prayers and blessings as well as support from all people, NU elders, NU leaders, and NU residents, as well as Indonesian community sympathizers for their efforts to maintain the muruah and personality of the NU organization.