7 Signs Of Slow Body Metabolism, Need To Be Known For Affecting Body Implementation And Core Temperature
YOGYAKARTA Slow body metabolism can be influenced by various aspects. For those of you who want to achieve an ideal weight and lifestyle, it is certainly important to recognize how the body's metabolism works. When the body's metabolism slows down, recognize the following signs.
If you tend to want to eat sweet foods and carbohydrates, metabolism may slow down. This also causes high blood sugar. So when you eat sweet foods more often, make sure to measure blood sugar regularly and try to measure blood sugar normally.
One of the signs of slow body metabolism is feeling tired throughout the day. When the body moves slowly in terms of metabolism, you also slow down in other ways. When eating lots of sweet foods, blood sugar jumps up, it also causes fatigue. So, it's important to pay attention to signs of having to control your diet and get personalized supplements to help you feel more energetic.
What we eat has an impact on the digestive system of food. But it is also influenced by the way metabolism works. If you eat too much sweet, sundle, and high calories, it can cause your stomach to feel bloating and full of gas. This is because the digestive system's work is not good. It also correlates with a slowing metabolism.
Dry skin, brittle nails, and hair grow slowly, perhaps a sign of having an agile metabolism. When the metabolism is slow, the body is not optimal in absorbing sufficient amounts of nutrients. That's why it can affect the skin, nails, and hair.
The body's core temperature tells us how the body manages energy, reported by BodyLogicMD, Friday, December 13. Colder core body temperature is associated with slower metabolism. Interestingly, several studies also attribute obesity to lower body temperature.
The body's core temperature certainly fluctuates throughout the week. So the best way to manage it, know the basic temperature of your body's core. Then calculate the average every two weeks.
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which thyroid hormones are produced less than sufficient. This causes metabolism to slow down over time and causes a number of other symptoms. Among them are fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, hoarse sounds, weight gain, muscle weakness, depression, and memory disorders.
Please note, hormones also affect metabolism. These hormones include testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol. So it's important to recognize changes in habits and symptoms that mark unbalanced hormones.
The most common and most easily recognized sign is weight gain. When you are on a diet and adjust your diet, but your weight increases, it could be because of slow metabolism. If you experience this, it is important to undergo detoxification for at least seven days to help rebalance metabolism.
That's a sign that the body's metabolism is slowing down which is important to recognize. If you are committed to living a healthy lifestyle, recognize the signs above so that you can evaluate the patterns that are carried out every week.