Bank Muamatama EGMS Appoints Imam Teguh Saptono As President Director

PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at Muamalat Tower, Jakarta.

This EGMS appointed Imam Teguh Saptono as the new president director to replace Hery Syafril.

In addition, shareholders also appointed Kukuh Rahardjo as the new company's director.

Thus, the composition of the company's management after the EGMS is as follows:

Sharia Supervisory BoardChairman : Solahudin Al AiyubMember : Siti Haniatu RosyataMember : Agung Danarto

Board of CommissionersPresident Independent Commissioner: Sapto Amal DamandariIIndependent Commissioner: SartonoCommissioner : Andre Mirza Hartawan

DirectorsPresident Director : Imam Teguh Saptono Compliance Director : KarnoDirector : Kukuh Rahardjo

Acting President Commissioner of Bank Muamalat as the leader of the meeting, Andre Mirza Hartawan, thanked the old management for their contribution to Bank Muamalat so far, and congratulated the new company's management.

"Hopefully the company's management who have received the mandate can implement Bank Muamalat's sustainable business growth strategy, and always run the company with good governance," he said, Wednesday, December 11.

In this EGMS, shareholders also agree to a recovery plan that is required by regulators for all commercial banks including Bank Muamalat as regulated in POJK No. 5 of 2024 concerning Stipulation of the Status of Supervision and Handling of Commercial Bank Problems. This recovery action plan aims to overcome financial problems that may occur in banks.