Surabaya Immigration Tightens Passport Issuance, 1,107 Non-Procedural CPMI Failed To Leave
Head of the Surabaya Immigration Office, Ramdhani, said that this step is a commitment to protect CPMI from the risk of exploitation.
"Every applicant, especially CPMI, who submits a passport application will go through strict and thorough interviews. We make sure all the documents submitted are authentic," said Ramdhani, Wednesday, December 11.
He added that the entire passport issuance process at Immigration Surabaya had followed the applicable guidelines and rules. "With strict procedures, applications with incomplete requirements will definitely be rejected," he added.
Until now, the Surabaya Immigration Office has rejected 175 passport applications that are deemed ineligible. The reasons for refusal include incompleteness of supporting documents to inconsistent information from the applicant.
"The research of interview officers is very crucial. Through in-depth interviews, we can find out the real reason behind the passport submission," he explained.
In addition to tightening at the immigration office, supervision was also carried out at the Juanda International Airport Immigration Checkpoint (TPI). Until the first week of December 2024, 1,107 Non-Procedural CPMI (CPMI NP) had their departure postponed. This step was taken to ensure that no CPMI was involved in the human trafficking network.
"We are committed to conducting accountable, thorough, and safe immigration checks. Our system is designed so that passengers feel comfortable when crossing the Juanda TPI," added Ramdhani.
Kantor Imigrasi Surabaya juga telah membentuk program desa binaan di Desa Claket, Kecamatan Pacet, dan Desa Ngoro, Kecamatan Ngoro, Kabupaten Mojokerto. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat terkait keimigrasian dan prosedur kerja ke luar negeri.
In November 2024, the Immigration Office of Juanda Surabaya succeeded in thwarting a case of alleged organ trafficking in the form of kidney sales. The legal process for this case has been submitted to the East Java Regional Police.