Rain Makes Body Pain Easily? Here Are The Facts

JAKARTA - Recently most cities in Indonesia experience high rainfall every day. Rain can certainly hinder a person's activities, even often considered as the cause of the body becoming sick if exposed to rainwater.

However, it should be noted that a body trapped in the middle of heavy rain or running in the rain cannot immediately make a person sick. Launching from Health, on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, this is because rainwater does not transmit the virus.

The virus that triggers the flu usually spreads through the body's fluids of an infected person. Thus, someone who makes contact with a sick person or touches the surface that contains saliva that contains the virus and then touches the body's own area, so that can make it hurt.

However, even if the body cannot get flu when it rains, a person can also experience a decrease in body temperature and lower the immune system. When the body is in a wet condition, it will make it difficult to regulate body temperature, especially in cold weather.

A study shows that a decrease in body temperature can reduce the immune response in a person's body, which should help fight the virus. As a result, a person will be more susceptible to the virus if he feels cold or after the rain.

Basically, the cold can cause the nasal blood vessels to narrow. This makes it difficult for white blood cells to reach the mucus membrane and perform tasks to help the body fight germs.

Therefore, for those of you who often do outdoor activities during the rainy season, it is necessary to prepare yourself to keep your body dry and warm so that it doesn't get sick. What can be done include wearing waterproof clothes, avoiding clothes made from cotton, covering your head with a hat or hood, immediately replacing wet clothes with dry clothes, and consuming warm drinks.