3 Benefits Of Sea Salt For Rambut Health, Must Try It!

JAKARTA - Not only as an added pleasure in food, but sea salt is actually very useful for hair health. Sea salt contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and bicarbonates.

Launching from Slyde, on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, in a recent study published in the International Journal of Dermatology, it was stated that magnesium and calcium in sea salt had a positive impact on improving hair texture.

How to use sea salt for hair is enough to mix sea salt with water, then apply it to hair such as a mask. By using sea salt for hair care, you can benefit from the health of the hair below.

Salt water serves as an effective natural cleaning to remove oil or dirt on the skin of the head and hair. In addition, marine salt water can also peel dead skin cells on the head so that it can prevent the appearance of ketombe.

The use of sea salt water can also increase the texture and volume of hair. Salt water is able to increase hair thickness and create hair waves, so that for those of you who want to increase the volume of hair, you can simply use salt water, without using other products that contain chemicals.

Sea salt can also provide hair growth by increasing blood circulation in the skin of the head. mineral content in sea salt is very beneficial for hair strength, so hair does not fall out, prevents tombe, and grows well.