Minister Yandri Praises MHU Collaboration To Boost The Economy Of Two Villages In East Kalimantan
JAKARTA - As part of the ekomoni acceleration program in villages, the Minister of Villages for Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Yandri Susanto, made a working visit to two villages in the East Kalimantan area, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, namely Lung Anai Village and Sungai Payang Village, on Saturday 7 December.
These two villages are strategic partners of Multi Harapan Utama (MHU) which is a subsidiary of MMS Group Indonesia (MSGI) in implementing Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) which develops sustainable economic empowerment around its operational areas.
Visit To Lung Anai Village: Encourage Kakao-Based Economy
During his working visit to Loa Kulu District, Yandri Susanto, he visited Lung Anai Village, which is known as a cocoa development center. The visit began with the planting of cocoa trees in the main garden covering an area of two hectares in Lung Anai Village. This garden is designed as a training and coaching center for local cocoa farmers, as well as being the main source of raw materials for village chocolate products.
Here, he sees firsthand the process of processing cocoa raw materials into chocolate bullion products and packaging that have been certified halal. These superior products from the Chocolate House are expected to be able to improve the economy of the people of Lung Anai Village, the majority of which are Dayak tribe.
This working visit not only shows the potential of Lung Anai Village as a cocoa center, but also emphasizes the importance of collaboration between the government, society, and the private sector, such as MHU, in creating an independent and sustainable village economy.
"This is really extraordinary, I really appreciate that BUMDes Lung Anai has moved the economy. I see that there are many employees, not to mention the farmers will definitely benefit, then people will get to know Lung Anai Village better. The main point is if there is an opportunity in the village, please maximize it," said Yandri.
On the occasion, Minister Yandri also handed over a production permit certificate from the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) to the manager of the Chocolate House, an achievement that opens up opportunities for village products to compete in a wider market.
The inauguration of the Sungai Payang Village Government Building: The Village Economic Driver Center After that, Yandri left for Sungai Payang Village not far from Lung Anai Village. In Sungai Payang Village, Minister Yandri inaugurated the Sungai Payang Village Office, witnessed by the President Director of MHU Margareta, the Head of Mining Engineering (KTT) Aris Subagyo and GM Mining Support MHU Wijayono Sarosa. This office is expected to be the center of social and economic activities that improve the living standards of the surrounding community.
BUMDes Sungai Payang has shown significant achievements, increasing turnover from IDR 4.6 billion in 2019 to IDR 27.6 billion in 2023, with a Social Return on Investment (SROI) value of 4.27. In Sungai Payang Village, the program includes catering, road repairs in Kuntab Hamlet - Kelesan (4 km), clean water innovation through Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and Hydram Pumps from post-mining vocals and construction of village office buildings.
Referring to the Good Mining Practice (GMP), this initiative supports SDG 6 and SDG 8, and won national awards thanks to the support of the Ministry of Villages and the community.
Yandri also praised the results of the collaboration that successfully managed the partnership pattern with the company so that it could serve as a model for other villages in Indonesia.
"I am very proud that the village office is very magnificent, sturdy, beautiful. That's why it happened? Because there is collaboration between villages and third parties, namely the company PT Multi Harapan Utama. We appreciate this extraordinary collaboration, including the BUMDes, which can absorb more than 240 workers. The BUMDes are the best. So the Payang River will certainly be my good story, become a village that we are proud of, because many of the 75 thousand villages in Indonesia have not advanced or as great as the Payang River," said Yandri.
Commitment to Empowerment and Sustainability
Meanwhile, MHU President Director Margareta stated that the company's success was not only measured by its operations, but from the positive impacts it had on the surrounding community.
"We are proud to support BUMDes which contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as Unhungry Villages (SDG 2), Quality Education (SDG 4), Clean Water (SDG 6), and Village Economic Growth (SDG 8)," explained Margareta.
This visit shows how the synergy of the government, the private sector, and society creates a sustainable economic transformation. Lung Anai Village and Sungai Payang Village have become successful cross-sector collaboration models, with the potential for replication in other regions to build independent and prosperous villages.
MHU's strong commitment makes this visit not only a place to review results in the field, but also strengthens the company's strategic role in supporting government programs for village welfare.