Ganjar Gelisah Regarding Ethical Violations Of Constitutional Court Judges: Democracy And Justice Want To Be Destroyed

JAKARTA - The presidential candidate, Ganjar Pranowo, is worried about the case of serious ethical violations committed by the Constitutional Court (MK) Judge regarding his decision regarding the requirements for the age of the vice presidential candidate.

According to him, anxiety is because democracy and justice are about to be destroyed.

"I speak as part of the citizens, as part of the people who are also nervous about seeing democracy and justice that is about to be destroyed," said Ganjar, quoted from the Instagram account @ganjar_pranowo, Saturday, November 11.

Ganjar said he was surprised to see this condition. His anxiety arose after observing the word after word of decision which became the consideration and basis of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK).

In fact, in his mind arises questions about the factors that cause these ethical violations. Including, whether or not there are legal consequences that must be accounted for.

"From there I became increasingly restless and disturbed, why did a decision from a process with serious ethical violations just escape? Is there a legal responsibility for the answer to the people?" he said.

Apart from that, Ganjar said that the MKMK's decision to declare ethical violations in the decision on the age requirements of the vice presidential candidate still proves that there is still democracy and justice in Indonesia.

"The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court has proven that the highest institution in the republic's constitution still upholds the spirit of democracy, our Indonesia is still very long journey," he said.

Ganjar also hopes that Indonesia can be built with noble foundations without tendencies that injure democracy and justice. Thus, the future of the Indonesian people will be better.

"Are we going to sacrifice Indonesia's long history in the future? My answer is no. We will ensure a clear history, ensure democracy and justice forever," said Ganjar.

For information, the Constitutional Court stated that there was a serious ethical violation behind the decision on the terms of the presidential and vice presidential candidates even though they were not yet 40 years old.