6 Regular Sports For Teenagers, In Order To Maintain Body Health In Side Of School Busyness

YOGYAKARTA - Teenagers are required to do regular exercise in addition to their busy schedule with school activities. For teenagers, exercise provides many important benefits for physical and mental health. So what is routine exercise for teenagers that you can choose from or for those of you who have children this age?

Teenagers in today's digital era prefer to spend time staring at gadget screens rather than exercising. If this habit is allowed to continue, then teenagers will easily experience health problems to be prone to mental disorders.

In addition to improving body fitness, exercise is also able to overcome the stress that is often experienced by teenagers today. For those of you who are confused about what sport to go through, there are several choices of regular exercise for teenagers.

Teenagers can undergo regular exercise in the morning before their activities or after school. No need to think about weighty exercise or require a lot of capital and equipment. You can do light exercise, which is important to be disciplined and consistent so that you can get maximum benefits.

Here are recommendations for some regular exercise for teenagers that you can do:

Jogging is a sports choice that is suitable for teenagers. This cardio sport is highly recommended for teenagers who want to maintain fitness. In addition, this sport is also effective in burning calories so that it supports teenagers who intend to form ideal weight.

Teenagers can jogging in the morning or evening after returning from school. In addition to improving body fitness, this exercise also helps maintain heart health and mental condition.

Another sport that can be chosen by teenagers is swimming. Swimming is also one of the cardio sports that is useful for improving fitness and burning fat. This sport involves all body parts so that they can make muscles stronger, as well. By swimming regularly, you can also maintain heart and lung health.

Teenagers can also undergo team sports or with their friends by playing volleyball. This sport plays a role in increasing muscle and bone strength, especially in the hands and feet. Volleyball also increases body coordination and optimizes metabolism.

This sport can also increase mood because it is played excitingly with team-mates. Volleyball can release endorphins that help overcome pain or stress, so that it is suitable for teenagers to live.

cycling has returned to a trend since the COVID-19 pandemic. This cardio sport is also good for teenagers to do. Teenagers can schedule regular cycling activities every afternoon or weekend.

Cycling can help improve body fitness, maintain heart conditions, and burn fat. This activity also plays a role in strengthening muscles in several areas of the body such as calf and thighs. Especially if you cycle in a beautiful place or lack pollution, it will feel the freshness and calm of the mind.

Badminton is also another exciting sport that can be lived by teenagers on a regular basis. This sport involves many movements so that it helps burn calories. In addition, badminton also plays a role in tightening the bones and muscles in the arms and legs.

In addition, playing badminton also brings other benefits, such as improving mood, improving heart and lung health, as well as training the body's rarity and flexibility skills for adolescents.

For teenagers who do not want to do strenuous exercise, gymnastics can be their choice. Exercise exercise is useful in increasing muscle flexibility, building strength, increasing body coordination.

Gymnastics generally require the movement of various body parts so that they can improve bone health. In addition, gymnastics also helps in increasing focus and discipline which is important to become a habit for teenagers.

Those are some routine sports for teenagers that can be lived every day. Exercise in a disciplined manner plays an important role in optimizing muscle and bone growth for teenagers. In addition, physical activities are also useful for maintaining mental health and dealing with stress.

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