Get To Know Concrete Types And Use Of Betonmix As Concrete Medicine

JAKARTA - According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), concrete is a mixture of cement, gravel, and sand mixed with water to be used as pillars of houses, pillars, walls and so on.

The appearance of undefined concrete is generally familiar and can be easily seen in the parts of the house. However, the concrete itself has various types used according to its conditions and needs.

Get to know the following types of concrete:

1. Concrete Concrete

The reinforced concrete is a combination of a concrete complaint with steel bones in order to have stronger appeal from ordinary concrete. Generally, this type of concrete is used for floor plates, bridges and construction of internal foundations.

2. Beton Precast or Beton Precast

The precast concrete is concrete that is printed according to a certain size. Usually precast concrete is made in other locations such as workshops or factories outside the Construction site. After being stored for a long time, precast concrete can be sent or transferred to the desired construction site so that the concrete quality is maintained and anticipates conditions if the project site is too narrow or less laborable.

Examples of precast concrete such as stairs, fence panels, and fasads.

3. Beton Prategang

The pretight concrete can be said to be similar to reinforced concrete, but the difference between steel bones inserted into the concrete must be tightened first so that the concrete does not crack even if it is hit by heavy loads.

4. Concrete Fiber

Fiber concrete is a concrete consisting of certain fibers mixed into a concrete complaint to prevent cracks. Types of fiber used can be in the form of steel wire, asbestos, plastic and growth-tum-buhan.

5. Beton Hampa

Vacand concrete is a type of concrete that is widely used in tall buildings. Vacant concrete is made by extracting the water from the concrete dough with a special vacuum device so that the mixture is only mixed with cement.

Betonmix Strengthening Materials For Various Types Of Concrete

To get quality concrete results, Betonmix is needed a concrete drug or an additional concrete mixture that can increase the flow of concrete. Chandra Kurniawan, Marketing Manager of PT Adhi Cakra Utama Mulia, revealed that the Betonmix concrete drug is one of the products of Aquaproof in the form of a ready-to-use clear liquid with Superior Plasticizer Technology which functions to increase the flow of concrete.

"So that the produced concrete is denser, there is no air cavity trapped inside which can pose a risk of causing roughness, and the resulting concrete is more waterproof," he said, quoted Monday, October 30.

The advantages of using Betonmix are compared to similar additives:

1. Improve the quality of concrete

With the use of Betonmix, water usage can be reduced without affecting the flow of concrete (easy application/workability/slump) and can increase the strong suppression of concrete. The addition of Betonmix to concrete complaints can reduce the use of water by 30% of normal water needs, and also affect the strong increase in concrete suppression by up to 20% when the concrete is 28 days old.

2. Accelerate concrete hardening

Concrete + Betonmix aged 7-14 days has a strong pressure equivalent to concrete without Betonmix aged 28 days.

3. Facilitate concrete casting

To facilitate the casting work, Betonmix can be added to the complaint. The concrete clump (alir power) will increase without lowering the strong suppression of the produced concrete. The flowing concrete is needed for concrete cor work such as a very large area, concrete with a tight bone system, tall columns, small cross section area, and casting using a concrete pump. Betonmix makes the concrete self-compact (thinning by itself) so that the cor yield becomes denser and less porous.

4. Increase water congestion

Denser concrete has rarer and smaller pores so that water does not seep into it. This makes the concrete more waterproof and minimizes the problem of rembes and leaking in the future.

The Use Of Betonmix On Concrete Leaking

Betonmix is marketed in the packaging size of 1 kg, 5 kg and 30 kg which can be adjusted to the needs of the building. The use of Betonmix is only 1% of the cement weight, for example the cement used is 2 sacks (1 sack = 50 kg), so simply add 1 kg Betonmix mixed into the water to be used. All Aquaproof products including Betonmix can be easily obtained through 24-hour purchase services at the Aquaproof Official store in the marketplace with various attractive offers of course.