[BREAKING NEWS] Official! Gibran Rakabuming Is Prabowo Subianto's Bacawapres

JAKARTA - Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto has finally officially announced his candidate for deputy in the 2024 General Election. A total of eight political parties who are members of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) have agreed to carry Gibran Rakabuming as a candidate for vice president.

"Good evening, brothers and sisters. Recently, the Forward Indonesia Coalition consisting of 8 political parties, namely Golkar, PAN, Democrats, Gerindra, Gelora, PBB, Garuda and the top which was attended by the respective chairman and the secretary general respectively we have finished in a consensus final, all agreed to carry Prabowo Subianto as KIM's presidential candidate for 2024-2029 and brother Gibran Rakabuming Raka as KIM's vice presidential candidate," said Prabowo in Kertanegara, Jakarta, Sunday, October 22.