Runners' Injuries: Here Are Some Types

YOGYAKARTA - Running is a sport that often causes wounds. Both experienced runners or newcomers can face this sporting accident. What do you think about the types of injuries that runners often experience?

Running includes aerobic sports. This type of exercise nourishes the heart and blood vessels by reducing the content of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the bloodstream.

Running injuries can take place in various parts of the leg which are usually caused by excessive pressure when running.

Identifying the type, indication, and trigger of the wound when running, will definitely make it easier for you to take the right action, so that you can recover quickly and run again.

Berikut merupakan berbagai jenis cedera lari yang sangat sering terjadi bersama langkah penanganannya.

1. Patellofemoral Syndrome (Runner's Knee/Sakit In Tempung Knee)

Patellofemoral Syndrome/Runner's Knee pain is common wounds that can be felt by anyone. Moreover, those who often carry out hard activities with their feet. Especially runners. Patellofemoral Syndrome/Runners Knee often hit young people and adults under the age of 60.

The reason is, Patellofemoral Syndrome/Runners Knee have a number of different triggers. This is often established when the waves of a human knee are not parallel. Over time, the bone is prone to the back of the knee every time it can be worn. At that time, experiencing Patellofemoral Syndrome/Runner's Knee, one could feel pain near the knee, especially when, up or down the stairs, squatting or down the knee is bent for a long time.

2. Hamstring injury (Hamstring Injuries)

hamstring injury is a phenomenon when there is one hamstring muscle experiencing a withdrawal. The muscles on the back of the thigh are attracted because they exceed their abilities.

hamstring injuries often occur in people who exercise which involve fast running, because runners' feet move and end suddenly. Generally, the sportsman professions who often experience hamstring injuries are football players, basketball, and tennis. hamstring wounds are also a common phenomenon in runners and dancers.

Indications of hamstring wounds generally appear pain, sensation tearing or cutting off the back of the thigh. Some sufferers generally experience swelling and bruises in the position of injury. Severe hamstring injuries that cause sufferers unable to stand or walk.

To avoid hamstring wounds, warm up properly before exercise or carry out intense physical activities. After that, keep the muscles strong and flexible. If you want to pursue something, go through training and increase the duration slowly.

3. Stress Fracture (Stress Fractur)

Fracture stress is a small crack in the bone that causes pain and an uncomfortable person. This wound generally affects runners in the dry bone and legs. Fracture stress generally lasts because the legs work very hard before the body gets used to new activities.

Thus, sharing rest on it is important, because pressure that is always on the bone can cause more serious injuries and slow recovery.

4. Shin Splints

Shin Splints is a wound with pain stretched at the front or inside the lower leg during dry bones (tibia). Shin splints (also called medial tibial stress syndrome or MTSS) is common after a runner changes training, such as running long distances or running very fast.

In terms of pain, Shin Splints is difficult to distinguish from the stress fracture of the dry bone, but the pain of this injury generally spreads more along the dry bone. Checking with the doctor is highly recommended if the dry bone starts to feel pain. So that you can confirm which wound you feel.

The method of avoiding the formation of Shin Splints can be done by reducing the distance from running activities, slowing steps to stretching exercises.

5. Achilles Tendinopathy (Tendinitis)

The Achilles Tendinopathy or so-called tendinitis, is a chronic degenerative change in the Achilles tendon. The term for a large tendon that connects the calf to the back of the heel.

The Achilles Tendinitis causes pain or feeling to burn and stiffness in the tendon zone, especially in the morning and during activities. This injury is generally caused by repeated pressure on the tendons. Adding too much distance to the running routine can lead to an Achilles Tendinopathy injury.

6. Ankle Sprain (Keseleeo Ankle)

Ankle Sprain or ankle sprain is a stretching or tearing of ligament that surrounds the ankle. This wound is often entangled when the leg rotates or rolls inward. Avoiding sprains can be tried by resting, compressing ice and carrying out treatment according to the doctor's advice.

7. Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is an infection that is associated with plantar fascia. Which is a thick tissue ribbon at the bottom of the feet that extends from the heel to the leg. The wound that links the plantar fascia arises with severe heel pain, especially in the early movement in the morning.

People with strong calf muscles and large arches are more susceptible to plantar fasciitis. Although Plantar Fasciitis can be linked to the harsh cause of activity, plantar fasciitis can also occur for no apparent reason.

Plantar Fasciitis can be prevented from stretching its calf, resting, wearing appropriate shoes at any time.

8. IT Ribbon Syndrome (iliotibial)

IT Band Syndrome causes pain on the outside of the knee. The IT band is a ligament that stretches over the outside of the thigh, from above the hip to the outside of the knee. IT band syndrome takes place when this ligament thickens and swipes the knee bone, causing inflammation.

So after discussing the injuries that runners often experience, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!