Golkar Management Kompak Denies Rumors Of Gibran Joining Golkar

JAKARTA - The DPP management of the Golkar Party has compactly denied rumors that Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka will join the banyan party after the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which granted a lawsuit related to the age limit of presidential and vice-presidential candidates of at least 40 years or having served as regional heads.

Golkar Party Deputy Nurul Arifin emphasized that there was no information regarding Gibran joining or visiting Golkar tonight. Although he said, politics is still very dynamic ahead of the registration of vice presidential and vice presidential candidates at the KPU as stated in the Constitutional Court's decision today.

"There is no information about it and it is not discussed at all," said Nurul when confirmed, Monday, October 16.

Nurul said that until now there has been no discussion regarding Gibran cawapres. However, regarding Golkar's attitude, he asked to wait for the results of the plenary meeting which will be continued neatly.

"It has not been discussed. We'll just have to wait. Tomorrow Golkar will hold a plenary meeting and continue the day after tomorrow with Rapimnas," said Nurul.

Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Melchias Marcus Mekeng, also admitted that he had not heard the rumors.

"I haven't heard of the issue yet," said Mekeng when confirmed.

Mekeng was also reluctant to assume that Gibran would join Golkar, especially regarding the vice president. According to him, Rapimnas Golkar has given a mandate to General Chair Airlangga Hartarto to run in the upcoming presidential election.

Even if there is a change in the rapid national decision, he said, then Airlangga must convey it in the highest forum for the Golkar party.

"Maybe he should just ask Pak Airlangga because the results of the Rapimnas must be conveyed to the rapid national forum as well that the mandate cannot be carried out," explained Mekeng.

Deputy Golkar Meutya Hafid also denied that Gibran would visit the DPP office on Jalan Anggrek Neli, Slipi, West Jakarta tonight. Because the eldest son of President Jokowi is in Solo, Central Java.

"It's not true that Mas Gibran is in Solo," he said.