Kemendikbudristek: Efforts To Prevent Sexual Violence Need Synergy

JAKARTA - Head of the Center for Strengthening Characters (Puspeka) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Rusprita Putri Utami expressed her enthusiasm in efforts to carry out the prevention and handling of sexual violence (PPKS) in the educational environment needs to be closely synergized with various parties.
"Kemendikbudristek does not work alone but together with related implementing units such as Komnas Perempuan so that the spirit of prevention efforts is collaborative and mutual cooperation," he said in a statement in Jakarta, Sunday, October 01.
His party has carried out several synergies to implement PPKS in universities, one of which is with Komnas Perempuan so that it is hoped that students can be in a good climate of lectures.
In addition, one of the Ministry of Education and Culture's efforts to PPKS is to hold exhibitions, chats, and discussions about sexual violence or POD.KES which has taken place from September 29 to October 1, 2023 at the National Gallery, Jakarta.
In this activity, people over the age of 18 can find out the good practices, obstacles, solutions, and support of campus residents in PPKS through audio, visual, and audio-visual works on display.
In addition, the existence of chats and discussions also made the audience aware of the good practices and impacts that have been carried out by various parties on campus through the PPKS Task Force and other campus residents.
In the soundproof audio exhibition area, visitors listen to the voices of the survivors, say the enthusiasm and motivation of each human being, or tell how sexual violence can occur.
In addition, visual exhibitions present exhibitions of two-dimensional works in the form of heart-scattering paintings about PPKS, infographics about PPKS, photos of the achievement and implementation of PPKS on campus and from the ministry.
The audio-visual exhibition displays video content, namely Public Service Ads (ILM), talk titles (talkshows), and Character Bincang Room (BK Room) on PPKS by Puspeka or campus videos related to the implementation of PPKS on campus.
In particular, this exhibition also presents various works to bring visitors to the perspective of victims which are important things in handling cases of sexual violence.
"That's so that the victim feels safe to reveal the problem and undergo the process of resolving the case until it's finished," said Rusprita.