The National Police Chief Asks Korlantas To Evaluate The Implementation Of Traffic Engineering

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) to evaluate the implementation of traffic engineering implemented during the implementation of national and international activities that require traffic flow regulation such as in Jakarta and other big cities, such as alternative roads.
"I entrust it, please don't prioritize things, but (the alternative is engineered, it must also be smooth, therefore how is this then the most important socialization," said Sigit at the celebration ceremony of the 68th Anniversary of Korlantas Polri at Pusdik Lalu Serpong, Tangerang, reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 25.
According to the National Police Chief, Jakarta and other big cities have always been the venue for activities that require engineering, because, especially Jakarta is a city for visits, cities for international events, including sports, so traffic engineering needs to be done.
With the implementation of traffic engineering, the National Police Chief emphasized to the Korlantas ranks to intensify socialization to the public, so that people are informed earlier when they have to do outdoor activities, and have alternative options for traffic they pass.
According to the public earlier, he said, the public could use an alternative route that had been prepared, so that traffic flow ran smoothly.
In addition to prioritizing socialization, the National Police Chief continued, additional personnel also need to be carried out, not only on the main roads that traffic engineering applies, but also alternative roads that are diverted due to traffic engineering.
"Please make improvements to the evaluation, socialize, at the time of carrying out traffic engineering," said Sigit.
With the socialization, the deployment of adequate personnel, said Sigit, when traffic engineering occurs, people can choose to use alternative routes that have been prepared when traffic engineering is implemented.
"For example, if people choose to go to Monas, there will be a diversion of the flow, if they want to turn left it will happen like this, if to the right it will happen like this. This is informed from the start, so that people have choices," said Sigit explained.
The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police emphasized that the socialization, education and deployment of personnel were an effort by the National Police so that the public could get options when they had to take to the streets because there were activities.
Several congestion events occurred as a result of the traffic engineering process, such as during the implementation of the one-way system on the backflow of Eid al-Fitr in May 2022, there was a traffic jam on the Kalimalang road, Bekasi. During the implementation of the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, a number of residents complained about congestion on the Jakarta road as a result of traffic engineering when the delegation passed. Congestion occurred after the road closure from Pancoran to Semanggi. Then traffic to Mampang also caused traffic jams.
Sigit appreciated the performance of Korlantas Polri in creating security, safety, order and smooth traffic flow (Kamseltibcarlantas) especially when securing special activities such as the G-20 Summit in Bali, the ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, securing homecoming flow and back to Eid al-Fitr, and so on.
According to him, this success is a success story that should be implemented in the implementation of the daily duties of Korlantas Polri with a target of reducing the number of accidents.
As in securing the homecoming flow in 2021 and 2023, the number of accidents fell 17.3 percent. Meanwhile, in daily records, the number of traffic accidents in 2023 has increased by 33 percent compared to 2022.
"Now the work of Korlantas' house can work specifically, while in special matters (laklantas) it can be lowered. So how when Korlantas manages this special one, it is also used to manage the daily routine," said Sigit.
The National Police Chief said the key to the success in regulating traffic flow is synergizing with all relevant stakeholders so that the number of traffic accidents in 2023 can be lowered.
"I am sure that if we work hard with all stakeholders regarding this figure we can achieve, of course with education, with synergies with various kinds of engineering, we can implement colleagues," said Sigit.