This Is The Assessment Of UGM Public Policy Observers Regarding The LaporGub Program Ganjar Pranowo

SEMARANG Public policy observer at Gajah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. Kumorotomo, LaporGub! as a good breakthrough to directly accommodate the aspirations and complaints of residents in Central Java (Central Java). Lapangub, the system created by Ganjar Pranowo while leading Central Java, is considered effective in hosting and overcoming problems reported by the public to the governor as the highest government leader at the provincial level.

"Yes. Report Gub! good as an effort to accommodate the aspirations and complaints of residents in Central Java directly," said Prof. Kumoro, Friday (22/9/2023).

He emphasized that public reports must be followed up quickly and precisely. In addition, what must be emphasized on the LaporGub system! is to track down the truth of reports sent by the public, the serious response from the governor, and be followed up quickly by the relevant regional apparatus organizations (OPD).

Report Gub! Indeed, it was prepared to follow up on complaints quickly and precisely. Prof. Kumoro even considers the initiator, namely Ganjar Pranowo, the system responds quickly to reports submitted by the public. Furthermore, Ganjar ensured that the public's reports or complaints were followed up by the relevant OPD.

What is meant is 'followed up' is mostly not just a response or answered with a fast response time. But what is more necessary is efforts to deal with issues that are complained about, track down the truth, take seriously, and follow up through relevant OPDs, "he explained.

He conveyed further, with the development of information and communication technology (ICT), government contact with citizens (government to citizens) is now very easy to do.

But whether it will improve the quality of service by the government, it can still be "Yes". It could also be "No". The key is to follow up with concrete improvement steps," he said.

Mentioned, public complaints channels such as the Gub Report! currently, many are applied in provinces and regencies/cities outside Central Java. For example, in West Java, Jogjakarta City, Bengkulu City, and other areas.

"In the West Java Provincial Government, there is a public complaint channel through the West Java Smart Province (JSP), in the Jogja City Government there is an UPIK (Complaint, Information and Complaints Unit). Also in many other provinces, districts and cities. In the city of Bengkulu, for example, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor distribute their personal WA numbers," he said.

It is known, during his tenure as Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, succeeded in changing the mentality of the community so that they dared to report, if they found irregularities related to public facilities and services. Every year, the number of residents reporting via LaporGub continues to grow.

GRMS data shows that from 2014 to July 2023, the online complaint report application LaporGub! has received 126,289 complaints. Reports that came in were then responded to quickly and the truth was traced.

Furthermore, Ganjar asked the relevant OPD to resolve the problems that have been reported by the public. People who report can also track the extent to which the report has been followed up by related parties.Grade LaporGub! has started since the first period in 2013. Initially it was still based on the website. On its way, Governor Ganjar continued to develop LaporGub! until it can be accessed multi-platformly.

For example, via website, WhatsApp, SMS, Hotline, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. In the latest version of ReportGub! V.2.0, it is even equipped with the ability to analyze using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Through this breakthrough, the Central Java Provincial Government can evaluate the performance of each service. Ganjar Pranowo hopes, LaporGub! can become a legacy that can continue to be utilized by the people of Central Java.

On the other hand, the government can also use it for the basis of decision-making. By LaporGub! All public complaints are followed up quickly, transparently, monitored, complete, and confidentially. Full 24-hour report handling is served.