Commission II Submits Data On 3 Million Honorary Workers To The Minister Of PANRB

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Junimart Girsang, submitted data on 3 million honorary workers to the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), to be appointed as Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).

"I submit a report from my aspirations, from honorary workers throughout Indonesia through the website link, which amounts to 3,000,389 honorary staff. Data on honorary personnel who have previously registered with KemenPAN RB is already 2.3 million less. So if 2.3 million plus 3 million so the total is 5.3 million, Mr. Minister," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 13.

The data was given directly by Juniart Girsang to PANRB Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas in a working meeting of Commission II of the DPR RI with the Minister of PANRB, Acting Head of the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) Haryomo Dwi Putranto and Chairman of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) Agus Pramusinto.

He explained that overall the three million honorary workers complained about the discrepancy between the data of 2.3 million honorary workers, which will be appointed as PPPK by the Government on November 28, 2023.

"In general, they complain about the data of those who are not registered as honorary staff who will be appointed as PPPK, while the majority of them have served as honorary for decades," he said.

Selain itu, para honoraran tersebut juga merasa khawatir data mereka diganti dengan para honoraran atau fiktif, sebagaimana berkabarkan sejumlah media.

"And this has happened to several regions, so it should be on behalf of A but someone else has changed it, with a working period of decades, in terms of which he has never been an honorary staff. Minister, that's a fact in the field and can be checked as well. Therefore, in the flash drive we will hand over to the Minister, the complete data, identity and agency and long service of our brothers and sisters are honorary staff," he explained.

Junimart also urged the Ministry of PAN RB, BKN and KASN as parties directly involved in the appointment of honorary leaders to become PPPK. Can select the data of the three million honorary staff to be prioritized in the appointment of PPPK.

He emphasized that the PANRB Ministry should immediately conduct a thorough audit of the data on honorary or non-ASN personnel by involving BKN and the Supreme Audit and Development Agency (BPKP) until December 2024.