Ternate City Government Collaborates With The Prosecutor's Office To Withdraw State Assets Still Controlled By Former Officials

MALUT - The Ternate City Government (Pemkot) in North Maluku (Malut) will withdraw a number of assets that are still controlled by former officials.

Withdrawal through the Regional Financial and Asset Management Office (DPKAD) in collaboration with the Ternate District Attorney's Office (Kejari).

"Indeed, there are former officials who have moved their duties, mutations or pensions are still in control of assets, so this will be withdrawn with the help of the Ternate Kejari," said Head of DPKAD Assets of Ternate City, Salim Albaar, Wednesday, September 6, as reported by Antara.

In controlling the assets controlled by the former official, of course, it will be carried out across the government, so that involving the Ternate Kejari it can make it easier for the withdrawal of assets (not to be detailed) which are still controlled.

However, he has not mentioned the former official who until now still controls the assets should be able to be handed over to the Ternate City Government.

The assets that are still controlled by the former official are in the form of land, buildings, vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles.

Previously, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had helped withdraw assets in the form of official cars and state-owned official houses which were still controlled by former Ternate City officials.

Chairman of the Supervision Coordination Task Force Region V KPK Dian Patria said, based on reports of assets that had not been returned as many as 61 two-wheeled and 10-wheeled vehicles, meanwhile, five active officials are still reported to be using the state's assets.

"I have said that, later data will be given, because there are 61 two-wheeled, 10 four-wheeled vehicles, including five active officials, two former deputy mayors and sub-district heads," he said.

He stated that his party had gone to the field and did not want incidents like the former Regent of Keerom in Papua in August 2021 yesterday to be sentenced to three years in prison.

The case was reported to the Regional Police regarding the criminal act of asset embezzlement and that was the aftermath of the problem where when he left the official residence, all the contents of the official house were also vacated.

As a result of the emptying, the contents of the official house were both furniture and equipment and some reported to the Regional Police, so the former Regent went to trial and was sentenced to three years in prison.