How To Check Vehicles Have Tested Emissions Or Not, Complete With Sanctions, Costs, And Testing Processes

YOGYAKARTA People need to know how to check whether the vehicle has tested emissions or not, especially those that often pass on the streets of the capital city. This is because the government will impose a ticket for vehicles that have not or do not pass the emission test in DKI Jakarta starting September 1, 2023.

Please note, vehicle emission tests can be carried out in workshops or other places that provide these facilities. Then, how do you know if the vehicle he was traveling in has tested emissions or not?

In the official website of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), it is explained that emission tests are a way to find out the performance of vehicle engines and the level of combustion efficiency in machines. Emission tests are carried out not only to find out the health of vehicles, but are expected to minimize the impact of emissions on public health.

To determine whether the vehicles used to pass on the streets of DKI Jakarta, the public can check online as follows.

It should be noted that vehicles that are declared not to have passed the emission test will be subject to sanctions in the form of a ticket. The two-wheeler ticket applied is IDR 250 thousand, while four-wheelers will be fined IDR 500 thousand.

Not only tickets, vehicles that have not passed the emission test will be subject to sanctions in the form of parking disincentives for vehicles that do not test the emissions of the DKI Pergub Number 66 of 2020 concerning Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission Tests.

Please note, the people of DKI Jakarta will receive a free emission test facility which will be implemented from August 25 to August 31, 2023. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government itself has provided 341 special car emission test sites and 108 special motorcycle places. Locations that provide free emission tests can be checked through the e-Uji Emission application R2 (motor) and R4 (car).

The public can also conduct emission tests at the trust workshop. In DKI Jakarta, emission tests for private vehicles can be carried out by visiting emission test workshops, emission test kiosks, emission test vehicles (mobiles), and the Environmental Service Office.

Emission tests at public workshops are carried out by paying a certain amount of costs determined based on the type of vehicle.

Quoted from the Indonesia Good website, the cost of testing car emissions ranges from Rp. 150,000 to Rp. 200,000. Meanwhile, the cost of testing the emissions of two-wheeled vehicles is usually half the cost of testing the emissions of 4-wheeled vehicles.

The emission test process itself is carried out with several provisions, namely as follows.

That's information regarding how to check whether the vehicle has tested emissions or not. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.