Senior Pickpocket Arrested After Stealing Samsung Galaxy Flip Owned By Woman At Duri Jakbar Train Station

The Tambora Police managed to arrest a group of pickpockets specialist in the KRL Commuter Line after pickpocketing a passenger at the Duri Train Station, North Duri Village, Tambora District, West Jakarta.

The two perpetrators were Robin Maulana (36) and Suherman (43), a resident of Kranji, Bekasi City. Both are Palembang groups.

Both were arrested on Jalan Masjid Al-Ikhlas, RT 05/10, Kranji Village, West Bekasi District, Bekasi City.

The perpetrators managed to steal the Samsung Galaxy flip 3G5 branded cellphone for Rp11 million belonging to the victim with the initials JI, a female passenger.

"They have been pickpockets for 16 years, the other one is still new (the originator)," said Tambora Police Chief Kompol Putra Pratama, Friday, August 25.

The two perpetrators were arrested by the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit on Wednesday, August 16. The incident began when the police received a report and conducted an investigation.

Then the Criminal Investigation Unit received information on the whereabouts of the perpetrators in Kranji, West Bekasi District.

"Then based on this information, members gave chase. After arriving at the location, the buser team managed to secure two people suspected of being pickpocketing," he said.

When intensifying their actions, said Kompol Putra, they pickpocketed KRL in groups. The perpetrator is a recidivist, was arrested at the Kelapa Gading Police and Polda Metro Jaya.

"Two other perpetrators with the initials EF alias D and L are still DPOs. We confiscated the KAI card belonging to the suspect Robin. The perpetrators have sold the cellphone for Rp. 4 million," he said.