Dismantling The Circulation Of Drugs, Polda Metro Reveals The Involvement Of Health Workers

Polda Metro Jaya said there was involvement of health workers in the illegal circulation of hard drugs or drugs registered with G. The mode is using a doctor's prescription.
"The new modus operandi that we reveal here is the circulation of drugs for listing G or certain drugs, by health workers," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak to reporters, Tuesday, August 22.
"In this case, assistant doctors, pharmacist assistants and drug traders are carried out illegally or not in accordance with the provisions," he continued.
There are four health workers named as suspects in the case of drug trafficking. They have the initials APAH (42), S (27), RNI (20), and ERS (49).
For suspects, APAH and S are said to have played a role in buying hard drugs from pharmacies. Then, they sell freely from the public.
"RNI admin doctors as well as pharmacist assistants, non-medical staff, ERS, nurses already have STR but do not have a SIPP / do not have a practice permit according to competence," said Ade.
Meanwhile, Polda Metro Jaya uncovered the practice of drug trafficking that was included in list G from January to August 2023. As a result, 26 people were named suspects and confiscated 231,662 pills of Hexymer, Tramadol and Alprazolam.
Originally, Hexymer and Tramadol were hard drugs included in list G, while Alprazolam was a type IV psychotropic.
"So if the total disclosure results from January to August 2023 are confiscated as many as 39,185 Hexymer pills, then 31,993 Alprazolams including psychotropic goals IV. Then Tramadol as many as 11,383 pills and various other types of drugs," said Ade.
Not only hundreds of thousands of drugs, the police also confiscated evidence in the form of cash worth Rp26,849,000, 14 cellphones, 4 bundles and 3 strips of doctor's prescriptions, 5,000 pills of empty medicine capsules, 1 car, and 2 medical press kits.
"If totaled from four cases from January-August, the total value of goods is IDR 45,668,000,000," said Ade.