Beneficial Kunyit Maintains Physical Health And Men's Reproduction, This Is According To Research
YOGYAKARTA Kunyit has been used for thousands of years as a spice in cooking, especially in the Middle East and Southeast to South Asia. According to registered dietist Catherine Karnitz, MPH., in recent years turmerics have been popular in Western culture. What about the benefits of turmeric for the health of men's reproduction? The following is according to research.
The slightly orange yellow color in turmeric can be recognized in a variety of products, ranging from fresh drinks mixed with acid, to brewed from dry tub roots, and supplements. Pigmen in turmeric comes from active compounds, called kurkumin, according to research from Johns Hopkins University.
Curmin in turmeric is beneficial for health, including balancing cholesterol levels, increasing the immune function, helping prevent freezing, and protecting the heart and heart. If you experience inflammation after exercise, the kurcumin in turmeric can also help overcome it.
2016 research also showed that turmerics help treat symptoms of joint inflammation. Kunyit has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that reduce pain and swelling. Karnitz added that several studies in humans have been carried out to determine the potential impact of turmeric on the male hormone function.
A 2015 study published in Toxicology Reports observed that giving dates to hypertension male mice could increase testosterone levels. The lack of research makes it difficult to assess whether kurcumin supplements to male humans have the same impact on testosterone, the Karnitz knot.
Many studies in animals show a turmeric effect on sperm quality and even fertility. But not much research has been done on humans. One of them was research in 2022 in the International Journal of Molecular Species on male mice. This study found that turmeric supplementation can improve sperm quality and help with fertility results.
Karnitz emphasized that research in humans is so limited that further validation is needed regarding its effects on humans. But in general, antioxidants are considered to help protect sperm cells from damage.
"Obviously metabolize and eliminate most of the kurmin before being able to perform the miracle," said Kim Yawitz, RD., reported by the Men's Journal, Monday, August 21.
Yawitz further explained, currules that are beneficial for men's sexual health are not fully absorbed either in the intestines when consumed. Its recommendations, to help increase absorption, mix black pepper or fatty meat.