Prevent Air Pollution, PLN IP Ensures Exhaust Gas Emissions Are No More Air Quality Bakus
JAKARTA - PLN Indonesia Power (PLN IP) ensures that it has implemented various environmentally friendly technologies to reduce emissions from coal-based power plants.
PLN IP President Director, Edwin Nugraha Putra explained that in operating the generator, his party upholds the principles of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) so that PLN IP pays close attention to exhaust gas emissions from the generator.
"As long as the PLTU or PLTGU operates, we always try to suppress its emissions as much as possible, and be monitored in real-time, it is directly connected to the dashboard of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry," explained Edwin, quoted on Monday, August 21.
He added that PLTU IP operations have been equipped with the latest environmentally friendly technology, the Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) and the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) to ensure that exhaust emissions from generating operations are suppressed as much as possible.
Please note, CEMS is a technology used to monitor generating emissions continuously. So that emissions that come out of the furnace can be monitored in real time and certainly do not exceed the ambient air quality standards set by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).
In the Jabodetabek area, continued Edwin, all PLN IP generators starting from PLTU Suralaya 1-7, PLTU Pelabuhan Ratu, PLTGU Priok, PLTU Labuan, PLTU Lontar, and PLTU Suralaya 8 have been equipped with CEMS.
Meanwhile, ESPN is an environmentally friendly technology in PLTU that functions to capture dust from exhaust emissions designed to screen and capture very small (<2 micrometers) of dust up to 99.9 percent, as well as other pollutants control-friendly technology (NOx and SOx).
He also emphasized that all PLN IP generators around Jabodetabek have used ESPN technology, namely PLTU Suralaya 1-7, PLTU Lontar, PLTU Pelabuhan Ratu, PLTU Labuan and PLTU Suralaya 8.
"The various efforts made by PLN IP above have succeeded in improving the quality of Ambient air around the plant sites in Jakarta and Banten. PM 2.5 parameters around the plant site show a downward trend and are still below the Ambient Quality Baku (BMA) set by the government," added Edwin.
As is known, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has set a standard threshold for the quality of electricity generation emissions by 550mg/Nm3 for SO2 and NOx parameters as well as 100mg/Nm3 for the particulate parameters on the Coal Power Plant, while for PLTGU (Gas) 150mg/Nm3 for SO2, 400 mg/Nm3 parameters for NOx and 30mg/Nm3 parameters for the particulate parameters.
"The results of the CEMS Monitoring as of August 15, 2023, of the SO2, NOx, PM and Hg parameters, the generators operated by PLN IP are below the Emission Quality Baku in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry related to the Baku Mutu Emisi of Power Plants," said Edwin.
Moreover, PLN IP fully supports the PLN program which always welcomes industries that want to switch to using PLN electricity, which operates more efficiently and has lower emissions and is monitored in real time. To date, there are 12 captive power with a power of 224 MW in Jakarta, Banten and West Java which have switched to using electricity from PLN.
"This PLN IP effort is carried out to help reduce emissions from the industrial sector, so that industry players can focus more on their business because PLN IP has electricity prepared," explained Edwin.
Due to the success of controlling emissions in all generators, the PLN Indonesia Power generator received gold Proper from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry which is the highest award in environmental management from year to year.
As in 2022, there will be 15 gold proper awards including PLTUs located around Jakarta, namely PLTU Suralaya 1-7, PLTU Banten 1 Suralaya, PLTU Lontar and PLTU Pelabuhan Ratu.
"We have made various aggressive efforts and continue to protect the environment in our operations. We are targeting energy transition programs not only for programs but instead, they have already produced clean energy and minimized air pollution," concluded Edwin.