Jokowi Talks About 'Pak Lurah' Code in the 2024 Election, Puan Maharani Warns Ojo Pedhot Oyot

JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the Indonesian Parliament, Puan Maharani, spoke about the House of Representatives'(DPR) oversight of the election implementation. In the event which was also attended by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Puan asked the Indonesian people not to forget their historical roots.

He conveyed this at the first DPR Plenary Session for Session Year 2023-2024 which was held at the Nusantara Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 16.

President Jokowi and Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin were present to present directly the Bill on the State Budget for the 2024 Fiscal Year along with the Financial Notes and supporting documents to the DPR. Previously Jokowi spoke of the code 'Pak Lurah' in the 2024 election.

Jokowi said he just found out that the code "Pak Lurah" is his nickname for the direction of the names of presidential candidates (candidates) and vice-presidential candidates (cawapres).

However, Jokowi was reluctant to be called 'Pak Lurah'. Jokowi emphasized his position as the president of the Republic of Indonesia. Even though "Pak Lurah" is only a figure of speech. "Yes, I'll just answer: I'm not a lurah. I am the President of the Republic of Indonesia. It turns out that the Lurah is a code," he said.

While Puan explained about the DPR's performance in the legislative function, Puan spoke about the DPR's work in the supervisory function, including overseeing the 2024 election implementation process.

"The DPR RI will also pay attention to the implementation of the election stages which have started to be implemented in 2023," said Puan.

She added that democracy and elections are tools for the welfare of the people. Another goal, according to Puan, is to create justice and prosperity for the Indonesian people.

"That the people are steadfast in their goals, that the people are united and live in peace is the goal," said the first woman who served as Chair of the Indonesian Parliament.

Puan also stressed the importance of democracy running peacefully. He appealed to all elements of the Indonesian nation and society to prioritize peaceful elections in order to avoid divisions.

"There is no meaning in power if the people are divided into social fragments full of grudges, hatred, envy,"

“Differences are natural. Unity is our collective struggle to make it happen. So let us guard and care for the Unity of Indonesia," she added.

Puan said that the main foundation for developing the country is the unity of the people. Because without people's unity, it will be difficult for the Indonesian nation to achieve progress.

"The Indonesian nation should be loyal to its original nature, namely a nation that is different but united by Pancasila. Ojo Pedhot Oyot! (Don't forget your root)” She says.

Hearing this term, the Plenary Session room erupted with applause from members of the assembly. The term Ojo Pedhot Oyot itself means being loyal to your source.

This Javanese philosophy can also be interpreted so as not to uproot or cut off roots/sources/origins or history. In the election context, Puan wants to convey a message that all Indonesian people remain loyal to the values ​​that unite the nation's diversity.

"All of us, elements of the Indonesian nation, should understand and understand when it's time to compete and when to return to side by side," she ordered.

"The DPR RI in accordance with its constitutional authority will oversee the 2024 Election so that it can run democratically, honestly and fairly," Puan continued.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture said that the DPR was mandated by the constitution to carry out the task of supervising the performance of the implementation of the Law (UU). In addition, continued Puan, supervision of the implementation of National Development is carried out by the Government.

"The hope of the people is that their lives will become easier, their welfare will increase, and get convenience in public services," she said.

Therefore, the DPR through its oversight function is said to continue to direct efforts to improve the performance of ministries and government agencies. Oversight of the DPR is also important in efforts to resolve various people's problems, so that people feel the presence of the Government in protecting the people, facilitating people's lives and prospering the people.

"During this session, the DPR RI will pay great attention to various issues that are of concern to the people," said Puan.

Some of the issues that will be guarded by the DPR during this session are regarding the anticipation of the impact of global geopolitical conflicts which are still in uncertainty. The DPR will also pay more attention to the natural phenomenon of extreme El Nino weather on food security and the availability of clean water.

Furthermore, it is certain that the DPR will examine the problem of the debt impact of a number of SOEs. Puan said the DPR also highlighted the problem of rampant cases of sexual violence, examined Indonesia's energy transition process in supporting renewable energy, was aware of the phenomenon of banking electronic crimes that threatened the security of personal data, and emphasized the importance of assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

“The government must have a high commitment to follow up on various decisions of the Commission's working meetings and other Council's Complementary Instruments. The Government's commitment in carrying out this matter shows that there is mutual respect for authority between the Executive and Legislative institutions," she explained.

On the other hand, Puan alluded to the parliamentary diplomatic duties carried out by the DPR. These functions and tasks are the efforts of the DPR in carrying out its mission to show the world that Indonesia is committed to building a better world.

"That Indonesia is committed to building a social, economic, political system that is humane and socially just," continued Puan.

It is known that the DPR RI has just completed its task of hosting the 44th AIPA (ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly) General Assembly which will be held in Jakarta from August 5 to 11, 2023.

As the host of session activities, the DPR is said to be focused and play a full role in the success of the Indonesian Presidency at AIPA. The 44th AIPA meeting with the theme "Responsive Parliament for a Stable and Prosperous ASEAN" is in line with the theme of the ASEAN Chair, namely "ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth".

"The holding of the AIPA Session which is a forum for chairmen of parliaments of ASEAN countries has become a momentum in strengthening collaboration to face challenges in the future," she explained.

During this session, the DPR will also receive the presence of foreign delegations, including delegates from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia. Various international parliamentary activities will also be carried out in the context of carrying out parliamentary diplomacy functions such as the Ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians from 14 to 18 September 2023 in Hanoi, Vietnam.

"The series of diplomatic activities that will be carried out by the DPR RI are to strengthen Indonesia's foreign policy and place the Republic of Indonesia's position even stronger in fighting for national interests at the regional and global levels," concluded Puan.