International Whale Shark Day Commemoration Ready To Be Held In Gorontalo

BONE BOLANGO - The Gorontalo Provincial Tourism Office is ready to hold an international Whale Shark Day activity in Botubarani Village, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo on August 27, 2023.
Head of the Gorontalo Ivone Province Tourism Marketing Division, Larekeng, said the activity was a form of joint concern for whale sharks in Gorontalo.
"This is a form and effort to conserve whale sharks," said Ivone as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 9.
The conservation efforts of the Gorontalo whale shark include the preservation, protection, and limited utilization responsible for the sustainability of whale sharks.
Various events will be held to enliven the activity, ranging from diving with whale sharks, clean action on the coast and sea of Botubarani, competition to color whale sharks as education for children, UMKM bazaars and others.
Head of the Gorontalo Provincial Tourism Office Aryanto Husain said the implementation of the activity was collaborative.
"Later we at the Tourism Office will try to think about what kind of side event," he said.